An Unprecedented Encore: Babyraids JAPAN Performs at @JAM EXPO 2018 For The Last Stage

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August 5, 2018, Babyraids JAPAN performed on the SMILE GARDEN stage at TOKYO IDOL FESTIVAL 2018. This was the last TIF performance for them who are breaking up as of September 24. Not only many Toragaa but also many idol fans rushed to witness their last stage. It was definitely the stage that drew the greatest attention out of all TIF 2018 stages as even other idol groups came to the press area to witness.
ベイビーレイズJAPANが、2018年8月5日にTOKYO IDOL FESTIVAL 2018のSMILE GARDENに出演した。9月24日をもって解散する彼女たちにとって、TIFに出演するのは今回が最後。そんな彼女たちのラストステージを見届けようと、虎ガーはもちろん、たくさんのアイドルファンたちが駆け付けた。プレスエリアには他のグループのアイドルたちも詰めかけ、TIF2018の中でも最も注目の集まるステージとなった。
Once OVERTURE was played, big applause from the venue boomed out. Five members in a white-based costume came on the stage. Manatsu Hayashi exclaimed, “Never forget Babyraids JAPAN!” and kicked off the stage with “Baby Ambitious”. Before hook-line of the next song, “Charinko Idol” Rikako Ooya stirred up the crowd to pump their fists, and the fans followed.
OVERTUREが流れると会場から大きな手拍子が響いた。白を基調にした衣装で登場した5人。林愛夏が「ベイビーレイズJAPAN しっかり目に焼き付けてね!」と言うと、「ベイビーアンビジャス!」でスタート。続く「チャリンコアイドル」では、サビの前で大矢梨華子が「拳あげて」と煽るとファンたちは拳をあげて応える。
The energy at the venue heated up during “Cinderella Ja Irarenai”. During the bridge of the song, Rikako Ooya said, “SMILE GARDEN is great! Thank you everyone!” Five members showed their furious dance along the song. They continued performing both of their new and old songs as the fourth song was their debut song, “Babyraids” and the fifth song was “Bokura wa Koko ni Iru”. Nao Takami showed her powerful rapping in the song of “Bokura wa Koko ni Iru”, and Hayashi’s strong voice resonated toward the sky in Odaiba.
さらに「シンデレラじゃいられない」で会場は大盛り上がり。間奏で大矢が「SMILE GARDEN本当に最高です。みなさんありがとう」と言うと5人は激しい振り付けで渾身のダンスを披露する。4曲目にはデビュー曲の「ベイビーレイズ」、5曲目には「僕らはここにいる」と新旧織り交ぜた楽曲が続いた。「僕らはここにいる」では高見奈央が力強いラップを披露し、林の芯の強い伸びやかな歌声がお台場の空に響きわたった。
It was half past 5pm. The sunset started illuminating them brilliantly.
As soon as the intro of the last song, “Yoake Brand New Days” was heard, the crowd raised a round of cheers. It was a mix of their feelings of delight and sadness. They had waited for this song but they knew this would be the last song as well. Ooya changed the lyrics where it’s sung as “Itsudatte Omoidasu Kimi no Koe” to “Itsudatte Omoidasu Minna no Koe” with her finger pointing the venue from one end to the other. Each member’s passion and spirit of “giving it all they’ve got” were clearly expressed. Once the music finished, a big round of applause was given to the five members who sang all the six songs in a row.
そして、ラストの「夜明け Brand New Days」のイントロが流れると会場からは歓声が上がる。その声は、ついに最後かという哀しみと、この曲を待っていたという喜びが混ざったものだった。大矢は「いつだって思い出す君の声」という歌詞を「いつだって思い出すみんなの声」に変え、会場の端から端まで指差しながら歌った。メンバー一人ひとりの熱い想い、すべての力を出し切るかのような気迫がひしひしと伝わってきた。曲が終わると、全6曲をノンストップで歌い上げた5人に向けて、会場から大きな拍手が送られた。
Erika Denya expressed her appreciation, saying “TIF has given us this opportunity to see this wonderful view for 6 years since we debuted. TIF staff, other idols, and every single fan who supports idols, everyone is our friends. Thank you for coming to our stage and sharing this great view with us. Thank you so much!”
She continued, “This great moment will continue at Lake Yamanaka on September 24. We, Babyraids JAPAN and Team Babyraids JAPAN, will all be waiting for you there.” And lastly, all five members said, “Babyraids JAPAN. Thank you so much” and left the stage with a smile.
“Thank YOU” was heard from all over the venue and the applause didn’t stop for a while.
Babyraids JAPAN
August 5 at SMILE GARDEN 5:25pm-5:55pm
Set List
01 Baby Ambitious
02 Charinko Idol
03 Cinderella Ja Irarenai
04 Babyraids
05 Bokura wa Koko ni Iru
06 Yoake Brand New Days
Babyraids JAPAN LAST LIVE “Zen Tora ga Naita! Densetsu no Saikou live (Climax) ~Zenyasai~”
September 23, 2018
Yamanakako Communication Plaza KIRARA
Babyraids JAPAN LAST LIVE “Zen Tora ga Naita! Densetsu no Saikou live (Climax)”
September 24, 2018
Yamanakako Communication Plaza KIRARA
Related Links
Babyraids JAPAN Official site: http://babyraids.lespros.co.jp/
Babyraids JAPAN Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/babyraids_JAPAN
Babyraids JAPAN LAST LIVE Special site: https://brj-lastlive.themedia.jp
translated by Jenny
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