It is announced that ex-AKB48 member Erena Ono retires from entertainment world. The reason of the retirement is because she found new dream she said, though it is not shown what is the dream.
Here is her message:
I would like to let you know that I will retire from show business as of July 15th. I apologize for the short notice and the inconvenience.
I entered the entertainment world when I was 12 years old, and it is very pleasure that I could learn a lot through the experience I had. I could have spent dreamlike precious time, and saw the scenery almost like dreamscape which normally people cannot experience.
Now I realized that I have become to think various about myself through adolescence, though I had been lost myself in my work because it was my dream stage. As I get older and closer to age 20, the thought has get stronger, and time to face myself has increased. Then I found new aim and dream in my life, and I decided to retire from the stage. I will advance one step at a time for my new dream. In the future, I would like to announce you about myself if the time has come.
I sincerely appreciate all of you; every fans, people concerned, and staffs. Without your support, I couldn’t have enjoyed the entertainment world, definitely.
The 8 years at the entertainment world was great fun.
I’m very happy that I could met you, and spend good time with you.
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