8th Wave of @JAM EXPO 2018 Performers Announced!

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You’ll Melt More! ascended to a higher plane of existence as they took the stage at Zepp Tokyo for the finale of their YOUTOPIA TOUR on January 6, 2018!
As the fans filed into the venue, an eclectic mix of music from the far corners of the world filled the air, punctuated by “The Great Curve” by the Talking Heads, one of the inspirations for their mini-album “Talking Hits”. The evening opened with a short video, a storybook opening to set the tone for the performance and the members sharing their thoughts on what “YOUTOPIA” meant to them. Images of the members flashed across the screen as the audience came alive, waving their penlights and shouting out loudly in anticipation.
Blasting off right away with “Aruku no Osoi Inu”, thundering drums and pulsating bass notes accompanied You’ll Melt More! as they took the stage. The energy levels continued to rise as the performance marched on with “Nigenai!!, the audience clapping and rocking along. The opening chapter of the evening concluded with the heartfelt refrains of “Unmee”.
Younapi welcomed the audience to You’ll Melt More!’s biggest venue in their history as a group and congratulated anyone who would be celebrating their Coming of Age Day during the new year. Jumping back into the performance with “NEW WAVE STAR”, the entire venue was wrapped up in the tribal rhythms as they rocked back and forth with their hands outstretched. Pink lights and perky synthesizer melodies hung in the air during “Shinborikumu Response Suru”, the members racing around the stage waving to the fans and flashing peace signs.
The stage dimmed, allowing for the fluorescent accents on You’ll Melt More!’s stage outfits to glow amidst the thick bass and crystalline guitars of “Yaru” escaping from the speakers. Chiffon shared her experiences during her university days, marveling at all the countries that she had been able to go to as an idol, providing the segue into “A! Sekai wa Hiroi Sugoi!”, which was accompanied by scenes of the group’s adventures overseas.
The theme of infinity carried over into “Eien no Shunkan” as the members bid their farewells to the present before leaving the stage. Reemerging in long hooded robes on a dark stage lit only by the lanterns in their hands, You’ll Melt More! cast a dreamlike atmosphere over Zepp Tokyo with “Gorogoro Monoomoi”. The audience awoke abruptly as the performance continued with “Night Hiking”, bouncing along and waving their lights in the darkness. A wall of fans rose as Ano stepped forward to take her solo. Their capes trailing behind them, You’ll Melt More! disappeared back into the shadows.
Another video played on the screen, following the members as they searched for their “YOUTOPIA”. Realizing that it was inside them the entire time, they underwent a transformation and emerged in their new stage outfits, complete with animal headdresses. Once again, Zepp Tokyo was pulled together as one, everyone dancing along as You’ll Melt More! rocked along to “Moi Moi” with a group of masked backup dancers behind them. A shockwave of energy burst forth for “Nigero!!”, the fans shouting out a mix and writhing furiously. Not even the tempest of waving towels during the following song “You to Pia” could cool off the heat rising from the floor.
The heat continued to build as You’ll Melt More! crashed headlong into “id Idol”, their screams mixing with the crushing guitars and drums. Ano abandoned her headdress due to the fierceness of her headbanging before unleashing a roar and diving into the crowd. A thick CO2 mist drifted across the stage as the voices of the members echoed through the room for “Tenjiku”, transporting the audience into a mysterious world.
The fantasy was dispelled by a cacophony of screams which ushered in the chaotic “Only You”, Ano diving back into the crowd as the energy in Zepp Tokyo seemed to boil over. Younapi was met by a wave of fans surging towards her as she sat high above the stage on a ladder while singing her lines. Golden streamers fluttered down as You’ll Melt More! soared towards the end of the evening with “Must Go”.
The encore calls began as the final notes faded away, joined by a banging of cowbells and handclaps. News of a new single and a 6-city tour to come in May of 2018 flashed across the screen. You’ll Melt More! returned to the stage in the special tour T-shirts, thanking the fans for coming out to see them and posing for a commemorative photo with them in the background. From there, the encore blasted off with a furious rendition of “Music 3,4-pun de Owacchimau yo ne”, the entire venue dancing along.
As it had countless times before, the evening roared to an end with “Natsu on Blue”, giant balloons bouncing through the audience and inflatable pool toys tossed from the stage. Chiffon jumped up onto a railing in the middle of the floor, tip-toeing her way through the crowd as Ano rode upon an inflatable alligator amidst the chaos.
Thanking the fans one last time, You’ll Melt More! left the stage, marching boldly towards their 5th anniversary as one of the most unique and creative groups in the Japanese music scene.
Photos by Mime Soga and Chika
Set List
01 Aruku no Osoi Inu
02 Nigenai!!
03 Unmee
05 Shinborikumu Response Suru
06 Yaru
07 A! Sekai wa Hiroi Sugoi
08 Eien no Shunkan
09 Gorogoro Monoomoi
10 Night Hiking
11 Moi Moi
12 Nigero!!
13 You to Pia
14 id Idol
15 Tenjiku
16 Only You
17 Must Go
E1 Music 3,4-pun de Owacchimau yo ne
E2 Natsu on Blue
Related Links
You’ll Melt More! Official site: http://ylmlm.net/
You’ll Melt More! Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/ylmlm_staff
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