The Rise of The Female Wota

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Perfume break down borders with “VOL.01 Eliminate the Distance”, their groundbreaking first collaboration video with docomo!
With Kashiyuka (London), A-chan (Tokyo), and Nocchi (New York) spread across the globe, they use docomo’s technology to create an unbelievable seamless performance that looks like they are sharing the same stage! The video was broadcast live across the world on November 8, 2017 to showcase the potential of the technology. The song they are dancing to is titled “FUSION” and has yet to be released. More details and visuals are available on the docomo x Perfume special site!
In other Perfume news, a 360° VR version of the MV for “Everyday” was released as part of their collaboration with Panasonic’s line of washing machines. Experience the feeling of being on stage with Perfume and take it to the next level via the “Perfume ‘Everyday’ AWA DANCE App” (iOS) which allows you to create a virtual avatar that can enter the video!
Related Links
Perfume Official site: http://www.perfume-web.jp/
Perfume Official Global site: http://www.perfume-global.com/
Perfume Official Global site: http://www.perfume-global.com/
docomo × Perfume special site: https://www.nttdocomo.co.jp/special_contents/future_experiment/index.html
Panasonic x Perfume special site: http://panasonic.jp/wash/awa/dance.html
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