
Passepied To Release English Version of Album “MAKUNOUCHI-ISM” Worldwide

パスピエ 全曲英語詞、世界配信作『MAKUNOUCHI-ISM e.p.』リリース決定!
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Passepied To Release English Version of  Album “MAKUNOUCHI-ISM” Worldwide

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Following the release of their second full-length album in June, Passepied continued their breakthrough success: ranking in the top 10 for Oricon as well as iTunes and selling out multiple dates of their national tour.

Taking advantage of this momentum, Passepied will be releasing an English-language version of their EP “MAKUNOUCHI-ISM” worldwide on October 22nd. The album, which is available on iTunes, includes many of their most popular songs from “MAKUNOUCHI-ISM” including: “MATATABISTEP”, “Tow-Ryang-Say”, “Tokyo City Underground”, and “Meditation”.
そんなパスピエの次の一手としては、全世界に向けて『MAKUNOUCHI-ISM e.p.』を10月22日(各国、現地時間)にて配信することが決定となり、現在各国のiTunes Store発売中となっている。このEPは今年6月にリリースされたメジャー2ndアルバム幕の内ISMに収録されている「MATATABISTEP」、「とおりゃんせ」、「トーキョーシティ・アンダーグラウンド」、「瞑想」を海外リリース用に全曲英語詞にて録り直した作品となる。

During Passepied’s April performance in Osaka “Impression C”, they debuted the English version of “MATATABISTEP”, which had been remixed by Seiho (Day Tripper Records, Sugar Campaign). It was considered to be one of the outstanding highlights of the event and is currently available on Seiho’s SoundCloud account here: and will be included on the EP. Earlier this week, the English version of “Tokyo City Underground” was uploaded, providing yet another exciting preview of what will be completely revealed on October 22.
さらに同EPは、今年4月に行われたパスピエ自主企画「印象C」大阪公演にも出演した、Day Tripper Recordsを主宰しSugar’s  Campaignとして国内外で活動中の新進気鋭のトラック・メイカーSeihoが手掛けた「MATATABISTEP」のリミックスも収録しており、充実の内容となっている。こちらはSeihoのsoundcloudにてフル試聴がスタートとなっている。(。


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It is rare for Japanese artists to release English songs, particularly when expressing the same emotions and ideas can be difficult in another language and when there are fans that prefer the sound of Japanese. However, hopes are high that this can be another way that more people all over the world can learn about the rising stars of the Japanese music scene known as Passepied.

1 MATATABISTEP(English ver.)
2 Tow-Ryang-Say(English ver.)
3 Tokyo City Underground(English ver.)
4 The Meditation(English ver.)
5 MATATABISTEP(English ver.) – Seiho Remix


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Been working in girls’ fashion magazines for a long time and am now the chief editor of Tokyo Girls’ Update. I have more expertise in Japanese teen fashion than anyone else (probably)! I’m a huge fan of the Revolutionary Girl Utena and Bakemonogatari animes.

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