4th Wave of @JAM EXPO 2018 Performers Announced!

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Nae Futaba announced hiatus from Moso Calibration on March 31.
The group’s official blog refers the reason of her hiatus as contract violations. The management judged it would be hard to continue for her to keep working on as a member of the group.
Nae has been absent from the group due to health problems since November 2016, and their latest single “Geki Yaba∞Bokka-n!!” (released in March 8, 2017) went on sale without her return. Moso Calibration will take a new step as a five-members group from April 1, 2017.
Related links
Moso Calibration website : http://mosoclbr.com/
Moso Calibration Twitter : https://twitter.com/mosoclbr
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