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Celebrating the release of “ILLNINAL vol.2”, E TICKET PRODUCTION and IDOL NEWSING held “IDOL NEWSING LIVE 4” at Daikanyama LOOP on November 5, 2017. Summer Rocket and Idol Renaissance who took part in the single along with Happy Kuru Kuru and Hakoiri♡Musume were the performers for the day.
E TICKET PRODUCTIONが「ILLNINAL vol.2」を発売することを記念して、”IDOL NEWSING LIVE 4″を11月5日に代官山Loopにて開催した。今回のシングルに参加したSummer Rocket、南端まいなと野本ゆめかが所属するアイドルネッサンス、そしてゲストとしてハッピーくるくるとハコイリ♡ムスメがリリースを祝うべくイベントに駆けつけた。
The “ILLNINAL” series features different idols on each song as Gravure idol Hikaru Aoyama (sherbet) and Rei Malaika Kazama and Fuuka Kanzaki (sora tob sakana) were featured on “ILLNINAL vol.1”. This is the live report of the release party of “ILLNINAL vol.1” (English only).
「ILLNINAL」では一曲ごとに異なるアイドルをフィーチャーしており、前作の「ILLNINAL vol.1」ではグラビアアイドルの青山ひかる、そしてsora tob sakanaの風間玲マライカと神﨑風花がペアでラップに挑戦している。9月に行われた前作のリリースパーティの模様はこちら(英語のみ)。
Happy Kuru Kuru
Following by the introduction by E TICKET PRODUCTION, Happy Kuru Kuru appeared on the stage with their 8-bit powered intro music. Even with so many idols wearing fluorescent colored outfits, they have attracted the attention of many, due to the affinity of the costume for the music.
E TICKET PRODUCTIONによるオープニングアクトの後に、8bit風なSEに乗って登場したのはハッピーくるくる。今となっては蛍光色の衣装を着るアイドルは少なくないが、このグループがそれでも注目を浴びるのは楽曲との親和性の高さ故であろう。
Yunomi, one of the most important figures in the idol industry, composes their songs with extreme splashes of pop and dance music. Combining their onstage performance with the music, Happy Kuru Kuru constitutes their playful worldview. Their bubbly and energetic performance steamed off the winter chill lingering in the venue.
01.Hello! my Universe?
02.Magical Girl
03.Sky Shooter
04.Hambunko Hanabi
05.Perfect Tripper
Summer Rocket
Summer Rocket
Summer Rocket, who had also performed at “ILLNINAL vol.1”, kept the heat on with their return performance. Wearing pale blue dresses, they seemed poised to let the summer wind blow through the venue as they did a few weeks earlier but, the mood was quite different this time around. Kicking off their stage with “Summertime Kill”, they rushed into “Kirisaite” and “Sakura Halation” which reminded me of nostalgic memories rather than brisk summer days.
2組目は「ILLNINAL vol.1」のリリースパーティにも出演したSummer Rocket。水色の丈の揃ったワンピースで登場し、会場に夏の爽やかな風を吹かせるかと思ったがそうではなかった。重いベースのイントロが特徴的なSEBASTIAN Xのカバー「サマタイムキル」で会場を驚かすと、「きりさいて」や「さくらハレーション」など爽やかというよりは切ない曲を畳み掛ける。
During their latest track “Otome-za Ryuseigun”, Kurumi Momomiya’s shout of, “I decided just to make the best of it”, strummed a deep sympathetic chord with the audience. This echoed the thoughts of Summer Rocket’s producer SEBASTIAN X who believes that they will continue to grow in popularity due to their heartfelt performances.
新曲の「乙女座流星群」では歌中に台詞があり、桃宮くるみが「でも頑張るって決めたんだ」と半ば叫ぶ姿には気持ちを動かされざるを得ない。SEBASTIAN Xの永原真夏と工藤歩里が作詞・作曲をと担当していることもあり、今後も感情を全面に押し出したパフォーマンスで会場を沸かしていくのは間違いないだろう。
01.Summertime Kill
03.Sakura Halation
04.Rhythm Magical
05.Otome-za Ryuseigun
06.Poolside no Iruka
Idol Renaissance
Idol Renaissance, fresh off their successful solo concert at Differ Ariake on October 28th, appeared next. Riko Ishino was absent due to her schedule, so they group performed with 7 members, beginning with “Taiyo to Shinzo”, a Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra cover. The members pulled in the audience as they sang together, reminding me of the true charm of their concept “Meikyoku Renaissance”.
They rushed through 7 songs in a row, concluding with “17-sai”. While the absence of Riko Ishino takes away a vital component of the group, the other members, especially Suzuka Harada who took over most of Riko’s lines, are improving day by day. With the announcement of their second original song to be released in 2018, Idol Renaissance continues to be one of the groups to watch in the Japanese music scene.
01.Taiyo to Shinzo
02.Koukan Note
05.Koisuru Kankaku
06.Kinyoubi no Ohayou
The atmosphere was totally changed by Hakoiri♡Musume in their pale colored dresses as they invited the audience into their world with their recently debuted original song “Hoshi Furu Yoru no Shoutaijou”. Cuter songs like “Koi no Chapter A to Z” and “Hannin wa Anata desu” followed, pulling them in even tighter.
雰囲気を一変させたのは淡い色のドレスで登場したハコイリ♡ムスメ。この秋冬からのオリジナル楽曲「星降る夜の招待状」で、まさしく観客をハコイリ♡ムスメの世界へと招き入れた。懐かしさが弾ける「恋のチャプター A to Z」、「犯人はあなたです」など可愛らしい曲で観客を魅了した。
The latter half was filled with emotional songs, evidenced by the expressive lyrics of “Hako Ippai no Present” and “Sayonara no Priere”. Performing “Yakusoku no Ponytail” a cover by Eriko Miura who also was a member of CoCo, the members disappeared from the stage with a cheerful, “Gokigenyou” (the old way of saying good-bye in Japanese), releasing the 30-minute spell that they had cast upon Daikanyama LOOP.
01.Hoshifuru Yoru no shoutaijou
02.Koi no Chapter A to Z
03.Hannin wa Anata desu?
04.Hako Ippai no Present
05.Sayonara no Priere
06.Yakusoku no Ponytail
Maina Minamibata and Yumeka Nomoto (Mai-Yume) from Idol Renaissance kicked off the finale of the event. Before rushing into their song “BEAT ME”, they taught the audience the choreography to the chorus. Keeping their soft and gentle atmosphere, they tried their best to be “ILL”, which seemed really lovely. Summer Rocket followed and expressed their theme of an endless summer through rapping with Chiari Kiryu taking the lead, following an intense crash course in “bad hip-hop” as advised by E TICKET PRODUCTION.
本日のメインパートとも言うべき「ILLNINAL vol.2」に収録された楽曲が披露された。まず最初に出てきたのは南端まいなと野本ゆめかによるユニット・まいゆめ。事前にサビパートの振り付けを観客に伝授し、楽曲披露へ。本人たちのほんわかとしたゆるい雰囲気はそのままに、時折”ILL”になろうとしてカッコつけようつする姿がなんとも愛おしい。疾走感のある楽曲を見事に乗りこなしていた。今回の企画に大抜擢されたSummer Rocketは事前の打ち合わせの際に「悪い方のヒップホップ」を聞いていると言われた桐生ちありを筆頭に、コンセプトにもある夏をラップでも全面に押し出していた。4人の勢いのあるラップはまさしく夏の楽しさを体現したものであった。
The 3 rookie MCs joined up and finished up the set with “ILLNINAL”. Before leaving the stage, Maina called Ai Wanabi from Summer Rocket to say her catch phrase “Matteru-nyan” together, much to the delight of the fans. After a series of encore claps, Mai-Yume again performed “BEAT ME” to conclude the event. Neither Minamibata and Nomoto nor Summer Rocket would normally be “ILL” outside of this unique project so it was a rare event to see a different side to them. Release events for the single have been announced (details below), so don’t miss out on the chance to see them get “ILL” once again!
そして2組で「ILLNINAL」を披露し本編は終了。ステージを去る際に、南端が恒例の「待ってるにゃん」をしようとするも、今回はSummer Rocketの愛わなびを巻き込んで一緒に「待ってるにゃん」を披露。アンコールでは、まいゆめで「BEAT ME」を披露し、今回のイベントの幕を閉じた。本来であればILLになるはずがないであろう南端と野本、そしてSummer Rocketを今回の企画に巻き込むことによってアイドルの新たな一面を引き出すことに成功したとても見応えのあるステージだった。リリースイベントも開催されるので機会があれば、ILLになった彼女らの新しい一面を目撃してはいかがだろうか。
01.BEATS ME feat.Maina Minamibata & Yumeka Nomoto
02.HANABI feat.Summer Rocket
03.ILLNINAL feat.Maina Minamibata & Yumeka Nomoto,Summer Rocket
EN01.BEATS ME feat.Maina Minamibata & Yumeka Nomoto
Photo by Fuchizaki
Event Information
November 17, 2017 (Friday) 7:45pm
Tower Record Kinshicho
日時:11月17日 19:45~
場所:タワーレコード 錦糸町店
Related Links
E TICKET PRODUCTION Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/e_ticket
IDOL NEWSING Official site: http://idolnewsing.com/
IDOL NEWSING Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/idolns
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