Anna Fujishiro (ex-BELLRING Girls Heart) Returns With New Group ICE CREAM SUICIDE!

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“The Best Craziness in Tokyo”, is a popular name only appropriate for BELLRING Girls Heart. With their overwhelming performances that no other idol group can imagine following, the group has reigned supreme among underground idols. The number of articles featuring them is too small considering their achievements.
On October 10, 2016 at OTOMORE X, an event they organized with BiS and Zenbu kimi no sei da at Shibuya WWW X, BELLRING Girls Heart announced that they would suspend their activities at the end of the year with the graduations of Mizuho Asakura and Ayano Yanagisawa. This decision seems to be cruel to the remaining members but still, the producer, Koji Tanaka, surely must place high expectations on them. Here, I would like to share my thoughts on what BELLRING Girls Heart is.
10月10日激震が走った。主催イベント「OTOMORE X」においてベルハーの年内での活動休止と朝倉みずほ、柳沢あやの両名の脱退が発表された。この決断は残酷ではありつつも、残されたメンバーに対して運営が大いに期待を寄せていることも伺える。この機会にベルハーとはどんな存在であったのかを自分自身のためにも整理したい。
The group is often portrayed as rough and lawless due to the behavior of their extremely enthusiastic fans. In their famous series “BRGH in the dark”, only melancholy songs were performed. The concerts started and ended with almost no loud MIX or energetic wota-gei. At the risk of being misunderstood, the true essence of BELLRING Girls Heart is shown.
The songs and performance which are lonely and fleeting are often placed with the heart of the fans. The group can produce a unique atmosphere of anger and sadness falling into the performance. The moment the members and fans inflict one’s grudges upon each other is nothing but the biased image of the group. The fans do not just behave violently. Their emotions are being released, they try to assimilate to the existence of BELLRING Girls Heart, although it is often expressed in an exaggerated and aggressive manner.
The two announcing graduation this time have been playing very important roles in inspiring the fans. Mizuho and Ayano have pulled along BELLRING Girls Heart, sometimes quarreling with the fans, and sometime suffering by themselves in their own minds. I would like to give them the greatest honors and express my gratitude towards them.
The group will open a new chapter soon after its audition. The highest wall facing BELLRING Girls Heart will be themselves. Nobody knows yet whether or not BELLRING Girls Heart can surpass what they have been. While I have hopes for what they will become with the new members, I am also thinking a great deal about the few opportunities I have left to see BELLRING Girls Heart with Mizuho and Ayano before they leave.
Related Links
BELLRING Shojo Heart Official Site: http://bellringgirlsheart.com/?aid=335
BELLRING Shojo Heart Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/BRGHead
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