
AKB48 member and staff Slashed in Handshake Event in Iwate

AKB48 member and staff Slashed in Handshake Event in Iwate

Rina Kawaei & Anna Iriyama

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It’s been revealed that two members and a staff of AKB48 were slashed by a 24-year-old man during a handshake event held in Takizawa, Iwate Prefecture, on May 25.

According to police, the incident occurred just before 5 p.m. at the Iwate Industrial Culture Center. Multiple media reported that the suspect was in the line of fans and that he slashed the singer and two staff members. The name of the members are Rina Kawaei and Anna Iriyama.
Official agency announced that three victims were taken to hospital and are in a stable condition.

The suspect was arrested and charged with attempted murder.

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