At a press conference announcing a new promotional campaign for curry restaurant chain CoCo Ichibanya held in Tokyo on September 2, members of SKE48: Mina Oba, Kanon Kimoto, Aya Shibata, Akane Takayanagi, Airi Furukawa, Nao Furuhata, and Jurina Matsui made an appearance. Due to the massive popularity enjoyed by last year’s campaign with SKE48, CoCo Ichibanya will again be decorated with the images and sounds of AKB48’s sister group from Nagoya. 『CoCo壱番屋×SKE48 コラボキャンペーン実施決定!!』記念記者会見が2日に都内で行われ、SKE48の大場美奈、木本花音、柴田阿弥、高柳明音、古川愛李、古畑奈和、松井珠理奈が登壇した。CoCo壱番屋は昨年もSKE48とコラボレーションキャンペーンを実施し大好評だったのを受け、今年も同キャンペーンをスタート。
This year’s campaign “Oshi Toppin-Gu Taikesu!! 2014” will have 24 members split into 3 teams: Team Karei (“karei” is Japanese for “splendor or magnificence” and it sounds like the word curry), Team Gu Gu Goo! (“gu” is Japanese for “topping” and it sounds like the Japanese word for “rock” which is also “gu”), and Team Gutsu Gutsu~Nikomaremashita (“gutsu-gutsu” is the Japanese onomatopoeia for things that are simmered and “nikomu” is the verb for simmering or boiling) and they will compete to see which “Oshi-Toppings” will be the most popular. The most popular team will be starring in Coco Ichibanya’s new year poster. 今回のキャンペーンでは『推しトッピン具対決!! 2014』と題し、SKE48の24名が3チーム(Team華麗、Team具具Goo!、Teamぐつぐつ~煮込まれてます~)に分かれて、それぞれが推したカレートッピングの人気数を競い合う。優勝チームはCoCo壱番屋で掲載される新年の挨拶ポスターに載ることができる。
It seems like the members put a lot of thought into the unique names for the teams. Akane Takayanagi explained that for Team Gutsu Gutsu~Nikomaremashita~ just as it is believed that curry tastes better on the second day after making it, the members of that team are veteran members who have been working hard at being an idol for a long time. Takayanagi is a 2nd generation member of SKE48, having joined the group in 2009. Jurina Matsui, famous for her affinity for puns, admitted that Team Karei was a pun but added, “the first character of ‘karei’ is the one for a beautiful flower, and because we have assembled members who fit that same imagery for this team, it works on two different levels.” Kanon Kimoto from Team Gu Gu Goo! revealed that Rena Matsui (SKE48/Nogizaka 46) had thought up the name for the team, citing that the combination of toppings on the team were “Good” (“Good” in Japanese is commonly pronounced as “goo”) and with that meaning, it became that. なお、ユニークなチーム名はメンバーが考えたそうで、Teamぐつぐつ~煮込まれてます~の高柳は「カレーは一日目より二日目のほうが美味しというし、長年頑張っているメンバーも多いという理由でこの名前になりました」、Team華麗の松井は「ダジャレなんですけど(笑)、見ていただいた通り美しくて華がある華麗なメンバーが集まっているので、その二つを掛けました」、Team具具Goo!の木本は「松井玲奈さんが考えたんですけれど、このチームのトッピングの組み合わせがGoodだったという意味で具具Goo!になっています。」とそれぞれ紹介した。
In addition, the company responsible for all the uniforms of the 48 Groups, Osare Company, has designed new uniforms for the employees of all CoCo Ichibanya restaurants nationwide! Wearing the uniform, which features an original two-colored striped pattern to the traditional all black apron, Nao Furuhata commented, “SKE48 has always had many cute costumes but to specially add a touch of SKE48 to these uniforms with their usually calm demeanor makes me really happy!” さらに今回、48グループの衣装を手がけるオサレカンパニーがCoCo壱番屋の新ユニフォームを制作。従来の黒一色のものに、オリジナルで2色のストライプが入った新ユニフォームを着た古川は「SKE48はいつも可愛らしい衣装が多いんですけど、これは落ち着いた雰囲気がある中に、SKEっぽさも入っていて、特別な感じがしてすごくうれしいです」と感想を語った。
In a small lottery to see who would get to sample the instant Keema curry scheduled to go on sale in November, members exclaimed “That’s too amazing!” and “As expected of the one with good luck!” when it was Jurina Matsui, winner of last year’s AKB48 Janken Tournament, who won. When asked about her ambitions for this year’s tournament on September 17th, Matsui replied, “even at the handshake events, fans are encouraging me to do my best to repeat as a champion and I want to do my best thanks to all that power I have been receiving.” In a follow up question asking her what she would throw, Matsui answered, “I actually had a dream about that! In the dream I won the tournament for the second year in a row and in order to remember what I threw for each matchup the in dream, I wrote it down.” However, Matsui added, “I think maybe I should rely on the dream and go with that strategy.” また会見では、11月以降に発売されるレトルトキーマカレーを一人だけ試食できる権利をかけてくじ引きが行われ、昨年のじゃんけん大会で優勝した松井が見事あたりを引くと、周りのメンバーからは「凄すぎる!さすが強運!」と驚きの声が上がっていた。そんな松井は、9月17日に行われるAKB48じゃんけん大会での抱負を聞かれると「握手会でも二連覇頑張ってと言っていただけるので、それをパワーに頑張りたいと思います」と語り、さらに何を出すか聞かれると「実はじゃんけんをする夢を見たんですよ!二回戦まで夢を見て、そこまでは勝っていて何を出したか覚えていたのでメモを取りました。今年は夢頼みで行こうかなと思います」と作戦を明かした。
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