Going to 3D! Spectacle Itasha Gathering at Niconico Chokaigi 2018

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MTV81 revealed the digest movie for Isao Tomita×Hatsune Miku “SYMPHONY IHATOV” Live Performance.
Check out the live digest of Isao Tomita and Hatsune Miku’s epic pairing last month. You should not miss this!
Please try to look at the link below!
[MTV81] Isao Tomita and Hatsune Miku Create a New Kind of Classic
These are the highlights of Isao Tomita’s latest masterpiece “Symphony Ihatov,” recently shot in Tokyo Opera City. With the Japan Symphony Orchestra setting the musical foundation for this massive collab, all that was left was for the blue-haired CG diva to take the balcony at the renowned concert hall and give it her best. Believe us, you’ve never seen anything like this before.
[tabs type=”horizontal”][tabs_head][tab_title]en français[/tab_title][/tabs_head][tab]”Isao Tomita x Hatsune Miku ”SYMPHONY IHATOV” :
Vidéo de la performance en direct par MTV 81 MTV81 a dévoilé le résumé vidéo de Isao Tomita x Hatsune Miku ”SYMPHONY IHATOV” de leur performance en direct.
Consultez le résumé en direct du duo légendaire formé d’Isao Tomita et de Hatsune Miku du mois dernier.
Vous ne pouvez pas manquer ça! Je vous invite à cliquer sur le lien ci-dessous!
traduit par Hitsuji[/tab][/tabs]
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AKB48 is nominated for World Music Awards 2012 ! Let’s vote !!
AKB48 revealed the digest movie of commemoration act of 7th anniversary of AKB48 theater.