In Japan, the second Monday in January is known as Coming of Age Day and it seems like everywhere one looks, there are young women in furisode making their way to shrines to receive prayers for good fortune as an adult. It is a national holiday celebrating when a person turns 20, which is the age when one is considered an adult. Furisode are kimonos with sleeves that almost reach the floor. Compared to a yukata which is generally made of cotton and can even be bought at Uniqlo or Amazon for less than ¥10,000, furisode are made of silk and can cost as much as a new car! Sometimes they are passed down from mother to daughter. Generally, everyone who attends a Coming of Age Ceremony has already turned 20 before that day but there are those who go when their birthday is only a few months after the holiday.
You may have already seen our photo report on the AKB48 Group Coming of Age Ceremony for 2016 but, all over Japan (and possibly overseas?) there are young people becoming adults. Here are some of the other idols who celebrated the next step in their life this year!
A special thanks goes out to @missingno15 from NewSchoolKaidan for gathering up the bulk of the pictures from Twitter from some of the underrated idol groups. He particularly wants to send his well wishes to Natsumi Kaeda from P.IDL Nagoya!