Have you heard of Harajuku Ekimae Stage before? 「原宿駅前ステージ」を知っていますか?
Those who have been all say, “It’s like heaven on earth. I have to go again.” Because of all the praise it’s gotten, fans are talking about Harajuku Ekimae Stage as “currently the concert venue to get tickets to”. ライブを観に行った人は皆「あそこは地上の楽園だ……。また行かなければ。」と口々に言います。そのせいか、“今最もチケットが取れない現場”とアイドルファンの中で話題になっているのが、原宿駅前ステージなのです。
Harajuku Ekimae Stage opened last year in August. Just like its name suggests, it’s situated right outside of JR Harajuku Station, putting on entertaining parties (live performances) day and night. 原宿駅前ステージは、昨年2015年8月にオープン。文字通り、JR原宿駅の目の前に位置しており、楽しいパーティー(ライブパフォーマンス)が日夜繰り広げられています。
Groups that appear at Harajuku Ekimae Stage are called Harajuku Ekimae Parties. Among them are four active groups, Fuwa Fuwa, Pink Diamond, Harajuku Otome, and Harajuku Stage A. 原宿駅前ステージでは出演しているグループの総称を、原宿駅前パーティーズと呼んでいる。その中で、ふわふわ、ピンクダイヤモンド、原宿乙女、原駅ステージA、の4組が現在活動しています。
One notable feature of the venue is the way the stages have been made up. Harajuku Ekimae Stage is split into two stages, the “hikaru (shining) stage” and the “runway stage”. Parties perform on stages that are almost cheek-to-cheek with the audience. This up-close proximity with the audience is unheard of at regular live houses, and one reason why many fans are captivated by Harajuku Ekimae Stage. 注目すべき特徴の1つは、ステージの作り。原宿駅前ステージは、光るステージとランウェイステージの2つに分かれています。パーティーズ達は、そのステージから目と鼻の距離でパフォーマンスをします。通常のライブハウスではあえりない距離感の近さから、原宿駅前ステージの虜になるファンも多いそうだ。
Another feature is the fashion portion of the show. In addition to a song and dance live performance bit, the girls put on a fashion show using the runway stage. Opposite of the live performance part of the show, it gives audiences a chance to see the girls’ cool sides. もう一つの特徴はファッションパート。歌とダンスのライブパートに加え、ランウェイステージを使った、ファッションショーが披露されます。ライブパートとは違った、クールな彼女たちの表情を観る事ができます。
Fuwa Fuwa
Fuwa Fuwa is comprised of 19 members between the ages 12 and 20. Among the members are popular models from magazines like Nicola, Nakayoshi, Pichire, and Nico Puchi. The group is characterized by their often girly and cute music.
Pink Diamond
This group is made up of give members with an acrobatic element to their performance. They even do backflips during “SUSHI PARTY”!
Mami Ookawa (19), Yuko Shimizu (17), Ayaka Takizawa (16), Sayaka Tatsumi (17), Marin Nomura (18)
Harajuku Otome
Formed by eight aspiring models. Their average height is a shocking 167 cm and their legs average 81.6 cm in length!!
Rua Uehara (15), Mizuho Katou (16), Jennifer Airi Saitou (16), Julie Sakuma (14), Rio Tsutsumi (16), Hinako Nakada (15), Yuuki Mine (14), Riria Yuasa (16) 原宿乙女
上原瑠愛(15)加藤瑞歩(16)斉藤ジェニファー愛里(16)佐久間ジュリー(14)堤 理緒(16)中田陽菜子(15)
Haraeki Stage A
Seven cool, cute members make up this group. The intensity of their song and dance is nothing like you’d imagine just going by their appearance.
Anri Isobe (17), Kiri Itou (14), Hinata Irie (15), Rina Someno (17), Nanako Taya (15), Natsumi Baba (18), Marin Makino (17) 原駅ステージA
After a successful performance at the RISING FES that took place December 29-31, 2015, the girls are hopping from Harajuku over to Akasaka Blitz for a solo concert on January 29th. They’ve also been scheduled to perform at the Takeshiba Ekimae Stage on March 5th and 6th over at the NEW PIER HALL in Takeshiba. そんな彼女たちは原宿を飛び出して、12/29〜31に舞浜アンフィシアターで行われたRISING FESでのパフォーマンスを成功させ、1月29日には、赤坂ブリッツでのワンマンライブが控えており、その後の3月5,6日には竹芝のNEW PIER HALLにて行われる「竹芝駅前ステージ」も決定している。
Tickets will probably continue to be difficult to get your hands on from here on out, so we suggest you visit as soon as possible! 今後もチケットが取りづらくなる事が予想されます。みなさん早めに足を運んでいてください!
I'm oregonian. and a member of Morning Musume Kenkyukai at Waseda University . I'm a big fan of TOKYO GIRLS STYLE, idolrenaissance and X21. Can't live without idols. Loves music, dance, and Mainya from idolrenaissance!!