Perfect Spots for Hanami : Where to View The Sakura!

If someone mentions “melon pan”, what kind of bread do you imagine? Do you imagine melon-flavoured bread? Well, you probably aren’t alone in thinking so, but this actually isn’t the case. The reason why it’s called “melon pan” is only because it looks like a melon from the outside. Many of our readers outside of Japan may think that Japanese only really eat rice for breakfast, but in actual fact, there are many Japanese who eat bread for breakfast or eat sweet-flavoured bread as snacks throughout the day. In addition, there are even different forms of bread that were started in Japan. Anpan, cream pan, jam pan, curry pan and melon pan are just some of the many different forms of bread that were first created in Japan. Melon pan is just one of the many different breads that have a sweet biscuit-like texture and are especially loved by many people in Japan.
Melon pan can be purchased at any supermarket or convenience store in Japan, but all of them cannot compare to the taste of freshly baked melon pan. With that said, on this trip our girls Alisa Urahama and Tina Tamashiro stopped by to taste some of this freshly baked melon pan at “Kagetsudo” in Asakusa. Located in Nishi-sandou of the historic Sensou-ji, Kagetsudo is a shop that previously operated as a sweets store and thus maintains the appearance of a typical traditional Japanese shop, but is now operating as a store that sells melon pan as its main product. And their melon pan isn’t just any ordinary melon pan. Their melon goes by the name “Ganso Jumbo Melon Pan”, with over 3,000 of these being sold every weekend.
After placing your order at their showcase counter, the staff will prepare your freshly baked melon pan.
After taking a seat inside the restaurant, our girls broke their freshly baked melon pan in half and shared it. Can you imagine how soft it tastes from this photo?
Our girls look absolutely overjoyed with the taste of their melon pan! It looks so mouthwatering, doesn’t it?! It seems like our girls’ initial worries of being unable to eat an entire melon pan by themselves soon vanished after tasting Kagetsudo’s freshly baked melon pan! If you find yourself sightseeing in Asakusa, be please be sure to stop by at Kagetsudo and try out their unbeatable melon pan!
Photo by kobadog
Translated by Cheryl Colye