8th Wave of @JAM EXPO 2018 Performers Announced!

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The Japanese food boom, even now its food service industry continues to advance across the globe, Gratefully as it is enjoyed by various people from many different countries.
At the same time in Japan, the “idol warring states period” continues to heat up, with countless groups appearing and disappearing.
It is not unusual that former idols entering the society as new hires at companies.
Among all groups, there is a group that boldly stands out, Desu. Rabbits.
As the sole representatives of the “Japanese Death Pop” genre, they have become well known for the quality of their music.
自ら“JAPANESE DEATH POP”というジャンルを標榜しており、
In addition to their unique concept, they also possess a deep love for ramen.
Their released CDs are sold with a pack of ramen.
Furthermore, the quality of the ramen is excellent as well.
The members of Desu. Rabbits, Emi, Yuzu, and Karin, have begun a new project where they intend to master the way of ramen. Under the project titled “Desu. Rabbits Aim to Become Pro Ramen Idols! ~Road of Initiation to Instant Ramen~”, they have requested the guidance of Oyama Sokusekisai, instant ramen expert and the master in the world of instant ramen.
『です。ラビッツ プロラーメンアイドルを目指して! 〜即席麺 免許皆伝への道〜』では、ラーメン道を自ら極めるため、インスタントラーメン界の第一人者と呼ばれる、即席麺評論家、大山即席斎に教えを乞う。
Desu. Rabbits Aim to Become Pro Ramen Idols! ~Road of Initiation to Instant Ramen~
です。ラビッツ プロラーメンアイドルを目指して! 〜即席麺 免許皆伝への道 其の一〜
There are already more than 10 episodes of this series on the Desu. Rabbits YouTube channel and from this point on, they will be subtitled in English.
Take this chance to become more familiar with the culinary culture of Japan with idols.
Desu. Rabbits
An entertaining group full of laughter, tears, and even an old man.
They are a unit made up of Emi, Yuzu, Karin, and “Bucho”, a record company employee who is pushing 40. With a motto of, “In order to survive the idol warring states era, we must fight!”, Bucho arbitrarily tricked these 3 girls who wanted to be idols into gathering together as a group in 2013. This is the continuing saga of the battle between this old man and these 3 young girls.
■ です。ラビッツ
Official website:http://g-records.jp/desurabbits/
Official twitter:https://twitter.com/desu_rabbits1
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Signal Light Turned Green for the 21 years of Morning Musume.’17 in the MV for “Dokyū no Go Sign”!
Yurukyara Boom: Cute and Wierd Mascot Characters Taking Over Japan