“Chu-Z”, a girls group composed of 6 members, revealed track list and cover art for their major label debut album “Chu-Z My Music” on July 9th. In addition, the music video of their representative song “GIRLS ON THE RUN” was screened. A new song “Summer Dreamer”, which has not yet been performed live, is included in this full album!
Chu-Z emphasizes musicality in this album; new songs fresh and summely songs are contained, their popular indie songs have been remastered, and some songs such as “Choose My Life” and “Bow Wow” have been newly recorded.
As early as 2 years since they started performing, Chu-Z steps up to the stage to the major debut. You can say this full-album is their masterpiece of songs from their indie. There are 3 types of cover art for this album.
For type A, the girls are stepping out from picture leaving behind black and white images of themselves. In Type B, they represent the album title “Chu-Z My Music”, showing the figures which they are actually choosing (Chu-Z is parody of “choose”) songs for this album, with the members looking towards the future with earphones. The arrangement of type C looks fresh and new for Chu-Z ; lying on the floor and looking up with smiles. We expect Chu-Z will show features rich in variety later this summer.
The highlight of this album is the song “GILRS ON THE RUN”, which has an upbeat rhythm from the beginning to the end. Enthusiasm for their major debut and lyrics about their passions is running through the song. This song must be their representative song from now and on! The music video was finally screened this time, though the song itself has been performed at live concert and enjoyed by fans. The choreography is inspired by wings of airplane, and was shot from the air as they are dancing on an airport runway. You can feel that their lives have taking many turns from the scenes changing dramatically.
MAIA(pink), the leader of the group, was previously the first generation of Vanillabeans and the second generation of Idoling!!!.
Chu-Z will hold release event for the album on July 8th at funsui-hiroba of Ikebukuro Sunshine; the place that many idols dream for having an event.
Don’t take your eyes off Chu-Z this summer!
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