Momoiro Clover Z to Hold a Live Concert at AKIBA Cultures Theater! It Will be Streamed Live on Ni...

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Momoiro Clover Z’s official Ustream channel “momoclo TV” ranked as the No.1 channel at the “Ustream Awards 2012” hosted by Ustream Asia. This is given to the best program voted by the viewers among all the programs distributed on Ustream in 2012.
Ustream Asia sat the voting period from January 11th to 21st, and listed the top 20 as the nominated programs. Those top 20 programs were invited to the award ceremony which was streamed live through Ustream on the 31st.
The nominated programs includes TOKYO GIRLS’ STYLE’s “TGS UST.TV” and Tower Records’ official channel “TowerRecordsJapan“, as well as some original programs from local radio stations, and regular users’ programs.
Momoiro Clover Z couldn’t be at the ceremony but they made an appearance through a relay broadcast live from the venue for their event “Momoclo Shiren no Nanaban Shoubu episode.3“.
The leader Momota Kanako said, “We are always doing this program in a relaxed mood, but if it is enjoyable for the viewers, we are very happy. We would like to continue making this program fun as relaxed, and as Momoclo-like, so please watch it everybody!”
Since Momoclo won, they will receive the right to takeover Ustream for a whole day!
<Momoiro Clover Z’s official Ustream channel “momoclo TV”>
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