Now that you’ve performed in New York, is there any other country you’d like to go and perform for?
Mariya: The CBGB Festival is really famous, and I think there must have been a few people wondering “who are these girls?” when we performed there. Next time, I’d really like to do a surprise performance somewhere on a small stage. I’m excited to see what kind of reactions people in overseas places might have to that.
鈴木:今回はCBGBという誰もが知ってるフェスに出演させて頂いたので「何だこの子たち?」と思ってもらえたと思うんですけど、次は何のフェスというわけでもなく、誰に呼ばれたでもなく、ちょっとしたステージをいきなり路上で作ってパフォーマンスをしてみたい! 海外の人がどんな反応をするんだろう? ってすごく気になりますね。
Yuuna: I’d like to go to Europe, too. France, for example. I’ve heard that Japanese Idol culture is getting really big in France. I’d love to have the opportunity to go there.
The Japan Expo is being held in Paris in July next year, and we hear that your fans in France are campaigning for Cheeky Parade to be a part of it.
来年7月、パリでJapan Expoという日本カルチャーのフェスがあります。チキパに出て欲しい! と署名活動をしているフランスのファンの方もいるみたいですね。
Yuuna: I really want to go to Paris! Our aim is to make Cheeky Parade ambassadors of Idol culture, so I think we’d be absolutely perfect for it!
関根:パリ行ってみたい〜! チキパは日本のアイドル文化を伝えていくアイコンになる、っていうのが目標なので、まさにチキパはこれにふさわしいというか、そういうふうになりたいです!
At first, Cheeky Parade’s theme was about spreading the message of “Cheekiness” and now it’s grown to being ambassadors of Idol culture! How would you say your image is evolving?
Yuuna: Before going to New York, we met a lot of celebrities who also work abroad – people like the Sanrio designer Yuko Yamaguchi and the Kyogen actor Motoya Izumi. At first, we were trying to decide how to present ourselves to people in New York, but they convinced us that it’s best to just be ourselves. I think that fits in with our philosophy, we always try to just be ourselves, and it was great that we go to do that in New York, as well. I’d like us to continue to improve as a group without sacrificing that. And I’d also like it if we could start to incorporate more English lyrics into our songs, too!
On December 14, you’ll be performing at your “Triumphant Return from NY Party”. Here at Tokyo Girls’ Update we’ve set up a campaign named TGU CONNECT ( to give overseas fans the chance to attend. Hopefully, we’ll get visitors from outside Japan as well as foreign fans who are currently living here. Is there anything you would like to say directly to them?
12月14日には、NY凱旋集会が開催されますね。外国の方にも会場に来て頂こう、というキャンペーンTGU CONNECT (をTokyo Girls’ Updateでやらせて頂いています。海外から来る人も、日本にいる外国の方も来てくれると思うんですけど、そんな方たちに向けて、何かアピールしたいことはありますか?
Mariya: I guess Idol culture is something that they don’t really have abroad. They don’t shout like “Yossha! Ikuzo!” during the concerts (laughs). But our fans are always really vocal and supportive during our shows. We like to put on a show that can rival any idol group out there today. And I realized in New York that foreign fans also enjoy that sort of atmosphere. We can’t get the same kind of fired-up crowd overseas right now, so I’m really excited for overseas fans to come to our concert in Japan and join in on the atmosphere. We’ll make you want to get up on stage and dance with us!
Yuuna: I’ve said this before, but I really want overseas fans to experience the rapport we have with our audience. I want them to see how our fans get fired up by our performance and how we get fired up by our fans’ reactions. If you come to see us, you’ll realize how much we love what we do. I really want to share that with everyone.
Your show will have two parts to it. Can you tell us more about that?
Yuuna: The first part will be about showing to our fans at home what we did in New York at the CBGB Festival. Of course, we’ll also be performing some of our regular songs. I think people will be able to see how far we’ve progressed.
Mariya: It’s also about sharing the New York performance with fans who weren’t able to go.
The concept for the second part is about transitioning from 2014 to 2015, is that right?
Yuuna: This year we’ve had a lot of opportunities to perform on huge stages at rock festivals and the like. We’ve also been able to put on our own concerts twice. So we’ll be able to perform our regular songs that we’ve been doing a lot of, as well as songs that we haven’t had much chance to perform yet. It’s an opportunity to look back over the past year we’ve had with our fans, and will also allow new fans to catch up with what we’ve been up to. It’s going to be very different to the first part. I hope everyone enjoys both parts equally!
関根:今年はロックフェスなど大きいステージにとにかく色々立たせて頂く機会が多くて。ワンマンも2回させて頂いたし。その中でやっていたおなじみの曲とか、たまにしか披露しない曲も逆にやるかもしれません! ファンの方と一緒に1年を振り返る、初めての人にはチキパの1年を知ることができるライブになると思うので、1部とは違った視点で見て頂けると思います。内容が全然違うので、両方見て頂ければと思います!
Interviewed by Kenji Harada
Photo by @ishiduu
Translated by Evie Lund