
5th Wave of @JAM EXPO 2017 Performers Announced!

On October 12, Cheeky Parade were the first artists ever from Japan to perform on the main stage at the CBGB Music and Film Festival in New York. Although they’ve been working hard back in Japan since their return, they’ve now found the time to put on a special performance in Tokyo called the “Cheeky Parade’s Triumphant Return from NY Party” which will take place on December 14 – and Tokyo Girls’ Update is offering lucky readers from overseas the chance to attend for free! It’s part of a campaign called TGU Connect (http://tokyogirlsupdate.com/connect-cheekyparade.html), so make sure you check it out! We sat down with the girls to discuss their New York performance, the TGU Connect party, and their new single “CANDY POP GALAXY BOMB!!”
10月12日、NYのCBGBフェスティバルに日本人アーティストとして初出演を果たしたCheeky Parade。帰国後も精力的に数々のイベントをこなし、NY公演を経てパワーアップが止まらない彼女たち。そして12月14日には「NY凱旋集会」と名付けたワンマンライブを開催予定。Tokyo Girls’ Updateではこのライブに外国人の方を無料招待するキャンペーン「TGU Connect」(http://tokyogirlsupdate.com/connect-cheekyparade.html)も実施中ということで、NY公演の感想、新曲「CANDY POP GALAXY BOMB!!」について、またワンマンライブについての意気込みをきかせてもらいました。
Before reading the interview article, check the short interview video as well!
On October 12, you performed at the CBGB Festival in New York. What were your first impressions of the city?
Mariya Suzuki: It was exactly the same as the New York I’ve seen on the internet! Times Square is famous for having lots of huge television screens – I think everyone knows Times Square! We first went there on the evening of the day we arrived, and it was exactly as it looks on television or the internet! It was like a CG movie, only real! (laughs) It was like being in a dream world.
鈴木真梨耶(以下、鈴木):インターネットで見たままのNYでした! NYの中でも、タイムズスクエアってたくさんの映画とかが撮影されてて有名な場所だと思うんですけど。NYについた初日の夜にタイムズスクエアに行けたんですけど、ネットやテレビでみるそのままなんですよ! CGがリアルになっちゃった、みたいな(笑)。夢の世界みたいでしたね。
Yuuna Sekine: We also got to see the Statue of Liberty! It’s on an island, so we went by boat and got up pretty close to it. It’s way bigger than I imagined!
関根優那(以下、関根):自由の女神も見れました! 自由の女神って島にあるのでフェリーで行ったんですけど、間近まで行って。想像を遥かに超えるくらい大きかった!
Some say that people in the States are more open than in Japan – what was your experience?
Yuuna: Yes, I’d agree. Lots of people struck up conversations with us on the street, for example. That doesn’t really happen in Japan. It’s usually a trap! (laughs) but in New York, lots of people were really open and just said “Hello!” to us as we passed. They seemed to know we were Japanese, and would say things like “Kawaii ne!” in Japanese! I really felt that New York is a city where there’s less of a sense of “distance” between people.
How did it feel performing in front of such a different crowd, especially in a far-away place like New York? Did you notice anything different about the crowd before and after the performance?
CGBGフェスティバルでは本当にアウェーな環境でパフォーマンスをするということで、普段と違う気持ちだったと思うんですけど、いつもと違うお客さんの前でパフォーマンスするというのはどうでしたか? やる前と後で何か気づいたことなど、ありましたか?
Yuuna: Actually, before the performance, there was nobody there. Just the Japanese fans who came over to see us. At first I was like, “what did we even come all this way for?!” I mean, there were only Japanese fans there! Oh, but of course I’m really grateful for them! However, the purpose of performing in New York was for fans from overseas to enjoy our performance, too. But actually, once our music started playing and we started performing, loads of New Yorkers who were passing by stopped to watch, and they were pulling out cell phones and taking pictures of us. That was awesome! I felt like we were really drawing people towards us through the power of our music. And I feel like New Yorkers know what they like, so if our performance wasn’t good, they would have just kept walking and not stopped to watch us. So that really gave us an ego-boost and helped to fuel our performance.
関根:ライブをする前、実はお客さんが全くいなかったんですよ。日本からツアーで一緒に来てくれたお客さんだけで。NYになんのためにライブをしに来たんだ!? ってなっちゃうじゃないですか、日本の方しかいないと。それはすごくありがたいんですが。やっぱり海外の方に見てもらうのが目的なので。でもチキパの音楽が流れてチキパのパフォーマンスが始まったとき、海外の方がどんどん立ち止まってケータイで写真撮ってくれる方も増えていったのが目に見えて分かったので、すごく嬉しかった。チキパの盛り上がりと音楽が海外の方に受け入れてもらえるんだなっていうのも実感したし、海外の方って、いいものはいい、悪いものは悪い、ってはっきりしてるから、悪いものだと思ったら、絶対にお買い物中とかに立ち止まったりしないと思うんですよ。なのに立ち止まって見てれる人が多くて嬉しかったし、それが自分たちの自信にも繋がりました。
When we watched the footage of the New York performance, it almost felt like you had come full circle and were performing like you were back at Shiodome (Where Cheeky Parade’s first performance was held). There was a certain “wildness” to your performance.
Yuuna: Well, back then, for better or worse, we were still getting accustomed to being on stage. But these days, being on stage is so natural for us, it’s just a part of our regular lives. But the best thing about our performances is that we’re all just being ourselves and having so much fun. I think we showed that in New York, as well. If we as performers aren’t having fun, then we can’t expect the fans to have fun, either. I think that’s something we’re all conscious of.
Having people stop to watch your performance must have felt great! And incidentally, how do you feel about the fact that fans from Japan came over to watch you? It was pretty big news!
Yuuna: Well, our goal was to show the people of New York the connection we have with our fans, so of course we’re really happy that we got to do that.
You performed your new single CANDY POP GALAXY BOMB!! In New York for your final song. What can you tell us about the song, and how did it feel to perform it for the first time?
NYで最後に披露したのが新曲「CANDY POP GALAXY BOMB!!」でしたが、新曲に込めた想いや、初披露したときの感想を聴かせて下さい。
Mariya: We performed the song for the first time at this year’s Inazuma Rock Fest 2014 in September. As well as our fans, there were also people in the audience who’d never even heard of Cheeky Parade. We were so nervous, but excited to see what people’s reactions would be. Actually, this is our first really long song, at over 7 minutes. I was initially worried that people would get bored, but the reaction was incredible, especially for a first performance. I think that’s what made us realize we had a hit song, to see our fans react like that despite not having heard it before. Also, the choreography for this song has lots of individual parts for all 9 of us in it, where we all really give it our all, so when we come together at the end for the final “BOMB!” it’s really explosive! It’s fun for us to perform it and I’m happy that the fans really enjoy it, as well.
鈴木:この曲は、今年9 月の「イナズマロックフェス2014」で初お披露目させて頂いたんです。ファンの方たちもいらっしゃったんですけど、全然チキパを知らない方もたくさんいて。すごい緊張もしたけど、みんながどんな反応するのかっていうのも楽しみで。しかもこの曲は、初めての7分以上もある長い曲で。ファンの人飽きないかなって心配もしたんですけど、ファンの方達は初お披露目なのにも関わらず、ミックスしてくれたり、フフー! とかかけ声いれてくれたりして! この曲凄いな、って逆に自分たちが思いました。初めてだったんです、初めてお披露目して、いきなりファンの方が声を上げてくれるっていうのが。あと、この曲は振り付けにも1人1人に設定があって。その設定の中で9人が暴れまくって、一致団結して、でも9人の個性が強すぎて、最後の「BOMB!!」のところで爆発しちゃうっていうストーリーなんですけど。自分たちでやってても楽しいし、ファンの方も声を出してくれるし、嬉しいですね。
The song has a lot of sudden changes in rhythm, tempo and style. How did the overseas audience react?
Yuuna: Once the music video was made public, a lot of comments were posted in English, which was awesome. There were a lot of different opinions, both good and bad, but I feel grateful that people took the time to watch. The tempo of the song changes multiple times, and I feel that if you listen to all 7 minutes of it, you can really see what Cheeky Parade has to offer. So I feel very confident in it and I’d like to ask everyone to watch it!
関根:MVを解禁したときに英語のコメントがたくさん載っていたんですよ、それがすごい感動的で。いい評判もわるい評判もあったけど、見てくれたっていうのが嬉しかったです。転調が激しかったりするんですけど、この7分を見て頂ければチキパのすべてがわかってもらえると思うので、ぜひ見て下さい! と自信を持っています。
Getting instant feedback from fans abroad is quite a new thing, isn’t it?
Yuuna: Yes, and it’s rare when it happens. We actually got a lot of messages of support from French fans this time. We’re always so happy to get messages from our overseas fans.
We hear that you met quite a lot of famous and influential people in New York.
Yuuna: Yes, we lucky enough to appear at Comic Con as well. Hulk Hogan was holding a signing event near where we were doing our photoshoot, so we all got in line to take a picture with Hulk Hogan! Also, Mariya met Joan Jett!
Mariya: Yes, I was lucky enough to get the chance to meet her. She was awesome, and her staff were great as well. I asked if I could please watch her perform, and they put me right at the front near the stage! They were like “Stand here please” and I had the best view in the house! It was such an awesome performance, she was so cool. I also got to interview her, and she asked Cheeky Parade to open her show for her when she next comes to Japan! Can you believe it?
鈴木:会いにいかせて頂きました! ジョーン・ジェットさんもスタッフさんもすごく素敵な方で。ライブを見させて下さい、ってお願いしたら、客席じゃなくてまさかのステージ横で「ここに立ってていいから」って言われて、超至近距離でライブを見ることができて。すごい迫力だったし、本当にかっこよかった。インタビューもさせて頂いたんですけど、今度ジョーン・ジェットさんが日本に来るときのオープニングアクトをチキパにするよ、って言って下さって!! まさかの!! 感激しました。