Hikari Takiguchi and Misato Misaki to Drop Out of drop in November.

CHEERZ, the app for cheering on your favorite idols. Not just limited to Japanese, it’s available in English and Chinese (Traditional), and will soon be available in French as well. This app is spreading world wide, so keep an eye out! So without further ado! Here’s Tokyo Girls’ Update’s spotlight! (laugh) Every month, TGU is going to interview CHEERZ’s monthly ranked top three girls.
アイドル応援アプリ、”CHEERZ”。日本語だけでなく英語、中国語(繁体字)に対応していて、もうすぐフランス語も追加されるという、ワールドワイドな展開を見せる注目のアプリ。ということは! Tokyo Girls’ Updateの出番ですよね(笑)! TGUでは、CHEERZの月間ランキングで上位に入った3名にインタビューを毎月行うことになりました。
This time around we’re interviewing top three members of February’s campaign : Motoko Nakane aka “Monya” from STARMARIE, Hikari Takiguchi from drop, and Kokoro Shinozaki from petit pas! During the interview, we asked about “food”, a topic that goes over well world-wide. For the second half, they took their own CHEERZ pictures! You might see a new side of all three! They also told us about what CHEERS them up.
初回は2月キャンペーン時の上位3名、STARMARIEの”もにゃ”こと中根礎子さん、drop滝口ひかりさん、プティパ -petit pas!- 篠崎こころさんにインタビュー。今回は、世界中誰でも共通の話題になる“食べ物”をテーマにお話を聞いてみました。そして後半には、相手のCHEERZ写メを撮影し合いプロデュースするコーナーも! 3人の新たな一面が見れるかも。また最近CHEERされているものなどについても教えてもらいました!
Left: Kokoro Shinozaki, Center : Hikari Takiguchi, Right : Motoko Nakane
– Although the theme is food, that’s a pretty broad topic. (laughs) I think it’s a topic that’s well received all over the world, so I hope you don’t mind if I ask you a lot about it. To start, what’s your favorite Japanese food?
Nakane: I know! I’m from Shizuoka prefecture, and there’s this hamburger steak place that’s in Shizuoka and only Shizuoka, called Sawayaka. I often went there to eat on my way home from school!
中根:はい! 私静岡県出身なんですけど、静岡限定の、静岡にしかないハンバーグ屋さんがあるんです!「さわやか」っていうんですけど。学校のときも帰りによく食べに行ったりとかして!
– When you were in high school?
Nakane: Yeah, but even after graduating high school I still went there pretty often. (laughs) It’s open til 11:00 p.m. on weekdays. There’s a lot of foreign people that come to Shizuoka, and I really recommend it!
– And everyone has hamburger steak at Sawayaka?
Nakane: That’s right. They have genkotsu hamburger steak and so much more!
– Do you recommend the genkotsu one?
Nakane: Definitely, but I’d always go with the “yokubari combi”(have it all combo) that’s a hamburger steak and chicken set so I could have a taste of both… Their hamburger steaks are charbroiled, 100% beef! The inside is really red and it’s super juicy. It’s super beefy. (laughs)
Shinozaki: Now I’m hungry! (laughs) Just awhile back I went to Fuji in Shizuoka prefecture for the first time and ate the shirasu-don(whitebait rice bowl) there… I thought about going to Sawayaka— I really did! I’ll definitely be sure to next time!
– The shirasu-don is also somewhat famous, isn’t it?
Nakane: Yeah, seafood is a must. Whitebait and raw sakura shrimp(sakura ebi) is pretty popular.
– But Sawayaka is on top. (laughs)
Nakane: Exactly! (laughs) I have to eat it when I go home. Even if I’m only home for a few days, I go there at least twice. (laughs)
– I’ve heard Sawayaka’s hamburger steaks are good, but what exactly makes them so special?
Nakane: It’s charbroiled so the smell really makes your stomach hungry for it. And it’s so juicy when you cut into it! I can’t recommend it enough.
中根:炭火焼きなので、匂いが胃袋を刺激するんですよ! 切るときも柔らかくて……!超おススメです。
– What’s your favorite Japanese food, Shinozaki-san?
Shinozaki: Well, I can’t stand sweet snacks. Like chocolate and stuff. I can’t really stuff myself with them. So when I was in high school or junior high I would always buy plum-flavored seaweed or Kari Kari Ume(a crunchy pickled plum snack). (laughs) Even when I went to Hawaii or abroad I would always be like, “Man, I really want some plums” I was in love with plums, and even buy them now, but overseas when you say plum people only imagine the sweet plum fruit…(laughs) Apparently there are even lots of foreign people that buy Japanese plums, try them, and like them!
– You want to be like, “Real plums are like this!” (laughs) Do they sell things similar to Japanese ume-boshi(picked plums) abroad?
Shinozaki: Not really like ume-boshi, but more like shriveled plums…? (laughs) They’re like dried fruit, and sweet but not sour. I tried it but I just couldn’t do it! (laughs) Japanese ume-boshi are better.
篠崎:梅干しというか、なんか干からびた梅……?(笑)ドライフルーツみたいな感じで、あんまり酸っぱくなくて甘かったです。ちょっと食べて無理だ! ってなりました(笑)。やっぱり日本の梅干しがいいです。
– Do you eat plum-flavored seaweed and ume-boshi as a kind of snack?
Shinozaki: Yep. I eat them a lot.
– Like in the middle of performances?
Shinozaki: I eat them then, and when I was super into it, I would think about how great the plum-flavored seaweed would taste on rice, and tried it with ochazuke(some rice and green tea broth), but it didn’t taste too great after all…(laughs) So I wouldn’t recommend plum seaweed ochazuke.
Takiguchi: I don’t really eat many sweets either, but you know that Black Thunder(Japanese famous chocolate snack) they sell at the convenience store? That stuff is good! It’s the only sweet I’ll eat. But they have one called Big Thunder, that’s even bigger than Black Thunder! It’s good when you’re feeling a little hungry. It’s pretty sweet, so I think even foreign people would like it.
滝口:私もあんまり甘いものが食べれないですけど、コンビニに売ってるブラックサンダーってあるじゃないですか。あれはおいしい! あれだけは食べられるんです。でもブラックサンダーより大きい、ビックサンダーっていうのがあるんです! ブラックサンダーよりちょっと薄くてちょっと大きいバージョンの。小腹が空いたときに食べられていいんですよ。結構甘いですけど、外国の方も好きかもって思いました。
– On the opposite end, I’d like to ask you about foreign food. Was there any time you tried one and experienced culture shock? For example, foreign cake being really sweet, or sushi that didn’t really resemble sushi at all, or something like that. (laughs)
Shinozaki: Well for me, when I took a school trip to Australia in high school, the food there… It was very home-grown like. (laughs)
– You mean it was kind of wild-like?
Shinozaki: Yeah, it was wild-like. (laughs) On our school trip we did a farm stay and stayed in a farmhouse. We were there for a week. We used sheep milk to make butter. And what really surprised me, were fried eggs made from ostrich eggs. (laughs) Ostrich eggs are amazingly huge! You can make fried eggs for eight people with just one. (laughs)
篠崎:そうです、ワイルドなんですよ(笑)。修学旅行でファームステイをして農家に泊まらせてもらったんです。一週間。そしたら、飼ってる羊のミルクで作ったバターを頂いたりして。あと本当に驚いたのが、だちょうの卵で作った卵焼き(笑)。だちょうの卵って、びっくりするくらいでっかいんですよ! 1つ卵割ったら8人分くらいの卵焼きができて(笑)。
– How do you break it, then?
Shinozaki: You crack it once, then hit it with a hammer like, “Crack!” (laughs) And oh, the dad was the one doing it and not the mom. I felt like saying, “Oh maybe you should help him out!” And there’s a frying pan just for making ostrich fried eggs. It’s huge. The dad was the one that flipped it over. I experienced a lot of culture shock. (laugh)
– How did it taste?
Shinozaki: It didn’t really taste any different from a regular egg. I remember it being kind of creamy. I remember wanting to keep the shell, them giving it to me, and me taking it back to Japan. (laughs)
Nakane: STARMARIE often gets to do lives overseas, and before when we went to Taiwan, there was a fast food joint near the live house that so we went there. The French fries there were made out of sweet potatoes and not potatoes!
– Let me guess, was it sweet?
Nakane: It was. It didn’t have salt or anything.
– Though apparently it looked French fries…
Nakane: Right! They were packaged like regular French fries! (looking at a picture of them on the computer) They really looked like this! Just looking at them, you’d think they were really French fries. There was something like ketchup for them, too.
中根:はい、普通のポテトの袋に入ってて!(PCで写真を見ながら)ホントにこんな感じなんですよ! 見た目は完全にフライドポテトです。ケチャップみたいなのもついてましたし。
– That’s because it is ketchup. (laughs) That would definitely be surprising. What about you, Takiguchi-san?
Takiguchi: I haven’t ever been outside of Japan. But I really like spicy food, so I want to go to Korea and eat things like sundubu and gukbap. And pasta, too. I also love Italian food, so I want to eat stuff like pasta and pizza! Talking about being surprised, when I was in elementary school, I learned that rice was different from country to country, and that rice in the Philippines is thin and long, like that. (laughs)
– You’re right; it’s different from Japanese rice.
Takiguchi: Yeah, it’s thing and long, and I remember being shocked as a fifth grader, like… “What is this?!” I want to try that kind of rice.
Nakane: It like, doesn’t stick together. But still I think Japanese rice is the best.
Takiguchi: Like in fried rice?
Nakane: No, it tastes a little drier.
– I think that maybe there’s a lot of places around Shibuya where you can eat that kind of rice. (laughs)
Takiguchi: Is that so… !
Shinozaki: Though after coming back home from abroad, Japanese rice is the best. (laughs)
– I see. Thanks for your input. Next, this is the last thing having to do with food, but what kind of food is popular with you and your friends at the moment?
Takiguchi: There’s one really popular one with drop right now. It’s called Ryukakusan(cough drops from a long time ago in Japan). Everyone walks around with Ryukakusan, and we always have some backstage. So there’s this phenomenon where the backstage of the live house starts to get that old people smell. (laughs)
– Do you eat it because you like how it tastes, or is it because you’re all trying to care for your throats like professionals would?
Takiguchi: Well there is the part about caring for our throats, but really it’s because we think it tastes good.
– Would you say Ryukakusan cough drops are the best ones?
Takiguchi: Yeah, I think so. There are lemon and all kinds of other cute cough drops, but we only suck on Ryukakusan ones. There’s not really much to say besides they’re really good.
Nakane: I’ve sucked on them to help my throat feel better before, but I wouldn’t go so far as to say they’re good… (laughs)
Shinozaki: Me neither. (laughs)
Takiguchi: What, you’re kidding right?! (laughs)
Shinozaki: It’s like everyone just suffers through the taste of them, because it’s during recording and there’s no other choice. (laughs)
– I agree, I don’t think they’re something most people think taste great.
Takiguchi: You’re lying, right?! Everyone says they’re so good, so hearing you say that, I’m shocked.
滝口:えー、うそー!? みんなおいしいって言ってるから、まさかそう言われるとは……びっくりしちゃった。
– Maybe drop is just a little strange…
Takiguchi: We might just be. (laughs)
– How about you two?
Shinozaki: Everyone in our group (petit pas!) really loves spicy food. Have you ever heard of tom yum kung noodles? The tom yum kung noodles put out by Cup Noodle are really popular among all the members. When we have a sleepover and we’re debating about what we should do for dinner, even though every place is still open, we head to the convenience store and buy a bunch of tom yum kung noodles. (laughs) We’ll buy like five at once.
篠崎:うち(プティパ)はメンバー全員、辛いものが好きなんですよ。トムヤムクンヌードルって分かりますか? カップヌードルさんが出してるトムヤムクンヌードルがメンバーの中で超流行ってて。お泊りに行って晩ご飯何にしようかって話してて、どこのお店も開いている時間なのに、コンビニに行ってトムヤムクンヌードルを大量に買いました(笑)。5個くらい一気に買います。
– So you eat all five in one night?
Shinozaki: Nope, not all in one night! (laughs) Just little by little. I heard that they’re becoming sold out around the country, so we’re stocking up on them.
– Is it pretty spicy?
Shinozaki: Yeah, it is, and it’s like really eating tom yum kung. It really tastes like that.
– What about you, Nakane-san?
Nakane: Everyone’s trying to stay on a diet, and we’ve tried everything. Out of everything we’ve tried, juice with something like chia seeds(?) in it!
– They’re those things that look like frog eggs, aren’t they?
Nakane: Yeah, and they have a strong taste. Kind of like tapioca.
Takiguchi: You don’t say…
Nakane: It’s even good to eat them dried like that, because they’re not puffed up, so after they’re in your stomach if you drink a lot of water they puff up and you feel full so that’s one way. When they’re puffed up you can add them to juice or eat them with yogurt and get full that way, too.
– I see, so if you eat them when you get hungry, you won’t take in a lot of calories.
Nakane: Chia seeds get 10 times bigger in water, but basil seeds get three times bigger than that.
Takiguchi: What?! Your stomach will burst!
滝口:え!? おなか爆発しちゃいそう!
Shinozaki: If you’re not careful about how many you eat, it could get pretty bad. (laughs)
Nakane: So it’s okay if you just have a few.
Takiguchi: Really? Do they taste good?
滝口:そうなんですか? 味おいしいですか?
Nakane: Uhhh, they don’t really have a taste… (laughs) I recommend the white ones instead of the black ones. The outside is white. Because they’re white they don’t look so gross. They’re easier to eat. The black ones look kind of like… Little bugs. (laughs)
– Thank you for introducing such a funny topics. Moving on, I want to ask you about what CHEERS you up. When you’re feeling down, how do you make yourself feel better? Is there any kind of manga, music, or anything?
Shinozaki: I really like watching gameplays on Nico Nico Douga, like to the point I could watch them forever.
– Watching gameplays on Nico Nico Douga?
Shinozaki: That’s right. You can watch it on the train or when you’re on the go, and viewer comments appear, so it doesn’t feel like you’re watching it alone, and I’ll stay up late watching it or when I feel lonely. I’ll start laughing wildly all by myself. (laughs)
– So do you ever comment?
Shinozaki: All the time! But now I feel embarrassed! (laughs)
篠崎:超します! あれ、なんか恥ずかしい(笑)!
– So, if I were to watch the same gameplay as you for awhile…
Shinozaki: My weird comments would flash by! (laughs)
– Is there gameplays of a certain person you like in particular?
Shinozaki: There’s this person Abu that I really like. I used to really love Biohazard and other horror games like that. I often play free games on the internet, and there’s a lot of free horror games. I think it’s fun to play them live. You know how it’s really scary to play horror games by yourself. So instead of playing them myself someone’s playing them for me, and I enjoy listening to the interesting things they have to say.
Takiguchi: Oh, that’s really interesting.
– Does Abu have many videos?
Shinozaki: Abu has a lot. Let me pull up my favorite.
– Please do! So while she’s looking that up, I’d like to hear what cheers the two of you up.
−お願いします! では探して頂いて、その間にお二人のチアーされているものを聞きましょう。
Takiguchi: Nowadays if I don’t have this…
– Ah, it’s not Ryukakusan! (laughs)
Takiguchi: That goes for Ryukakusan too, but this thing, it’s premium hi-chew. It’s so good! When I’m not feeling so hot I just eat one and I’m like, “Ohhh, it tastes so good.” (laughs)
滝口:龍角散もそうなんですけど、これはあの、ハイチュウのプレミアムなんですよ。超おいしくて! 元気が無い時に一つ食べて「はぁ、美味しいな」って(笑)。
– Which ones do you prefer? The white grape or the red grape.
Takiguchi: I really like the white one, but there’s only red left after I finish all of the white ones. (laugh) I only like this one flavor of hi-chew. I don’t ever really eat the regular hi-chew. This one’s premium, and it’s expensive, kind-of. I eat them every day. Premium daily.
– How about for you, Nakane-san?
Nakane: I like Doala from the Chunichi Dragons. (Mascot of the Japanese baseball team based in Nagoya)
– You’re from around there, aren’t you.
Nakane: That’s right. But I really love him so much I could marry him. I want him to be my husband.
– You don’t want to marry the person inside Doala’s costume, but Doala himself…
Nakane: Yes!
– What do you like about him?
Nakane: Isn’t he just so interesting?
Shinozaki: He can do backflips, right?
Nakane: He can, he can. He dances all weird, and stuff.
Shinozaki: I’ve seen him do that!
Nakane: He’s got a tight butt, slender legs, and he’s totally dreamy. I like slender guys.
– So you hope your fans will get thinner with you by eating chia seeds? (laughs)
Nakane: (laughs) I have so many Doala goods and goods for showing the team my support at home.
– What kind of Doala goods do you have?
Nakane: First of all, I have a lot of his plush lined up in the entryway to greet everyone. One that’s like a megaphone, and three giant plush of him. My favorite is a bendable Doala, a figurine that’s called a figma.
– (looking at the search result on the computer) This one?
Everyone: Scary scary scary. (laughs)
Nakane: He really has so many different looks.
Takiguchi: But there’s a real person in ther, right? Isn’t that kind of crazy?
– This one’s just a figure. (laughs)
Takiguchi: That’s totally crazy. (laughs)
Shinozaki: It’s like a real person. (laughs)
Nakane: I give him all kinds of different looks, but the one that really cheers me up is this kecak-style pose. (laughs)
– So ideally, it’d be the best thing ever if while you were performing on stage Doala came to see the concert and did the kecak pose. (laughs)
Shinozaki: I found that video! Abu’s most interesting video, is called Mekakushi Aooni. (Blindfolded Blue Devil) Aooni is a pretty famous free game. It even got turned into a movie. He tries to play through the game while blindfolded, and this blueberry-colored blue guy comes and chases him. Although this is something you usually look at and play, right. But Abu has already memorized the patterns, so he plays it blindfolded. Here, this part where it goes knock, knock! Like this! Even though they come out randomly he knows by the sound. He opens the door! Like that. That one’s really fun! It’s like the hand of God. Though Mekakushi Aooni has become a part of Nico Nico Douga culture, and people try to beat his time. Foreign people also seem to be playing it, too.
篠崎:さっきの動画見つけました! アブさんの一番おもしろい動画が、目隠し青鬼っていうのなんですけど。青鬼っていう結構有名なフリーゲームで。映画にもなったんですよ。目隠しをしながら進んで行くんですけど、このブルーベリー色をした青い男が追ってくるんですよ。でもこれ、普通の人はもちろん目で見て操作するじゃないですか。なのにアブさんはパターンを覚えてるから、目隠しして操作するんですよ。トントン、この瞬間にここ! みたいな! 出てくるのもランダムなのにわかるんですよ、音で。このドアを開けた! みたいな。それがすごい楽しくて! 神業です。でも「目隠し青鬼」ってニコニコ動画でもひとつのカルチャーになってて、みんなでタイムを競ってるんです。海外の人も結構やっているみたいです。
– So can you do this Mekakushi Aooni?
Shinozaki: I can’t. (laughs) I prefer for Abu to play the games for me in an interesting way. While I laugh my butt off. It’s easy to watch.
– Are there any games you do play, Shinozaki-san?
Shinozaki: I have no game sense and I couldn’t even play my first game, and so I began watching other people play. There was an event tournament just for game players on Nico Nico Douga, and because I love them so much I went during my off time. This is the hoodie I bought there. (laughs)
– Is that so. Do you enjoy just playing them as well, though?
Shinozaki: Yeah, I want to play them because I like them, but if I do I’ll definitely get a game over and then I feel like it’s no use, like even my Pokemon would get mysterious diseases. Or I would accidentally break the game. (laughs) Like I have that kind of one in ten million kind of worst luck. I really destroy those games. Like maybe I’m sending off some weird vibes or something? (laughs) I even break my cell phone a lot.
– It sounds like maybe you should get it checked out by a doctor. (laughs)
– Finally, since you are all CHEERZ top three for this month, it means you’re great at taking pictures yourself, but now it’s time for the corner where we ask you to take CHEERZ pictures of each other instead!!
(Photographer) Kokoro Shinozaki → (Model) Hikari Takiguchi/ (撮影)篠崎こころ→(モデル)滝口ひかり
I really like street style girls! Twin tails are too cute, so I just hid them with my hoodie from the tournament event. (laughs) I thought it would be good to be glancing up with a steely look, like that. I made the color a little lighter.
(Photographer) Hikari Takiguchi → (Model) Motoko Nakane/(撮影)滝口ひかり→(モデル)中根礎子
I thought it would be cute if she were laying face down on a table. Like she was relaxed? I think natural girls look cute. I’m too embarrassed to do it myself, but if I could get someone to do it, like that. (laughs) Yeah, she looks so beautiful!
(Photographer) Motoko Nakane → (Model) Kokoro Shinozaki/(撮影)中根礎子→(モデル)篠崎こころ
I got her to glance off to the side with a steely look, looking completely cool looking expression on her face. Her face is boyish. I’m amazed by how Kokoro looks, even her hair. So she let me take it how I’d like to myself. (laughs)
しゃがんで横向いてもらって、ガッツリかっこいい、みたいな表情で! 本当は私もかっこいい系になりたくて。顔も男顔だし。髪も篠崎さんみたいな感じが憧れで。なので自分の本当はやりたいことをやってもらいました(笑)。
Related links
CHEERZ official site : https://cheerz.cz/
STARMARIE official site : http://starmarie.syncl.jp/
Motoko Nakane Twitter : https://twitter.com/monya_starmarie
drop official site : http://www.drop-collet.com/
Hikari Takiguchi Twitter : https://twitter.com/blue_drop920
petit pas! official site : http://petitpas.mave-ricks.com/
Kokoro Shinozaki Twitter : https://twitter.com/kokoro777pp
Photo by kobadog
Interviewed by Itaru Tsurumi & Ayaya
Translate by Jamie Koide