– Is there any group you look up to or want to be like?

PIPPI: Everyone really looks up to SCANDAL.

Everyone: We do.

PIPPI:I’ve been in SCANDAL’s fanclub ever since I was in elementary school, and the first concert I went to of theirs was really cool, and I was charmed by drummer RINA’s drumming, which I thought was amazing, and I very much idolized her as someone I wanted to be like.

AOI: The band I look up to is definitely SCANDAL, but I don’t want to be a group like them because it’s not our style, so I want us to keep making things that are our own style of KANIKAPILA. I don’t think like “I want to be like this” (when I look at someone), but I’d rather make something new that is only KANIKAPILA’s, so instead of wanting to aim for us to be a certain way, I want us to go our own way.

– It might be a little difficult, but how would you describe the group you would like to be in one word?


AOI: That’s right, KANIKAPILA. Where anyone can enjoy our music anytime and anywhere. Not just cute or cool, but we want to be a band that makes people smile the most or have the most fun.

– I seems like those who desire to create something new themselves are often the ones who succeed.

Everyone: We’ll do our best!

KANA: I find out about some bands from the free flyers or magazines you read at music and CD shops, and have been recently introduced to some bands by looking them up on my computer, but I found a three piece “scenario art” band, which made up of one woman and two men,  and I was very surprised, or rather moved by the to the point of getting goosebumps. I really thought, “Wow!” at how they gorgeous they shined on stage, and in their songs the three piece group sang an amazing duet with the female and male vocal. It was something I had never seen or experienced before, and I thought it was really amazing.

– There are many other girls bands out there right now, but are there any you pay attention to?

NATSUKO: Tancobuchin. They’re even going to tour with us.

AOI: They’re also from Kyushu, and we have a lot in common so we get along with them really well.

NATSUKO: They’re so nice.

MIZUHO: I really like manga “NARUTO”, well I like YURI-chan on guitar also like NARUTO, and we have a lot in common so we can talk about many different things.

AOI: Even though we’re both trying to do the same thing we go about it differently, so we can learn a lot from them, and it really motivates us. They’re so nice; they’re really great!

– They’re three years older than you, so they’re like big sisters, aren’t they? With their recent album release, I feel like I’m hearing Tancobuchin’s name more and more. It would be great if both of you could keep growing and maturing together.

EVERYONE: Yes! We’ll do our best!

– Is there anything KANIKAPILA wants to challenge?

LEONA: KANIKAPILA’s dream was to base our activities around Kyushu from where we’re from in Fukuoka Prefecture, so someday we dream playing a solo live at the Yahoo! Auction Dome.

– Is there anything you want to challenge individually?

YOSHIKA: I’ve been doing musicals since I was in the third grade of elementary school, so one day I want to star in a musical where I’m on the stage playing my guitar. I want to challenge many new things.  I want to let my imagination run wild.

– It seems like generally, from looking at your blog and so on, everyone hang outs together, but does everyone really get along and hang out?

AOI: Yes, we do. We’re really close.

YOSHIKA: AOI and NATSUKO are usually a pair when we hang out.

AOI: NATSUKO really is kind of a foodie? She really knows where to find good food, and will invite me like, “So and so has really good so let’s go!” Apparently she goes on food walks.


NATSUKO: On the other hand, AOI know a lot about make-up, and she’ll tell me how to do my lips.

AOI: We both give each other advice.

MIZUHO: The girl power is strong with those two. The other members learn a lot from them.

LEONA: Like this kind of skirt is trendy now, or what’s popular.

YOSHIKA: They’ll tell me and I’ll be like, “What’s this!” (laugh)

AOI: When I tell the trend to the members and they like it, it spreads among KANIKAPILA. Whatever’s popular with us at the time is kind of like a wave. Like everyone will start carrying the same things.

YOSHIKA: But on clothes, everyone’s style is different.Individually, everyone in KANIKAPILA is pretty different, and I think that’s one of our good points.

MIZUHO: Every now and then three of us will be wearing the same skirt, or even worse, the same pattern.

AOI: In that way we’re like regular girls. (laugh)

MIZUHO: We’ll hop on the latest trends.

YOSHIKA: We’ll be talking in the music room, and will help each other out with our costumes and so on.

– Do you have any interest in performing overseas?

Everyone: Yes!

YOSHIKA: Since KANIKAPILA is a Hawaiian word, first we’re thinking we’d like to do a concert in Hawaii, but we’d love for people in many other countries to listen to our music, and to be like Let’s Play Music, KANIKAPILA with people all over the world.
やっぱり、KANIKAPILAってハワイ語なので、まずハワイでライブしたい!って思いますし、もういろんな国の方に聴いてもらいたいし、Let’s Play Music. KANIKAPILAをいろんな国の人と一緒にしたいなあって思います。

– Is there any member who’s good at speaking another language?

YOSHIKA:NATSUKO and MIZUHO can speak English.

NATSUKO tends to mix English in with our everyday conversations.


LEONA: Like, “Sorry. Gomen ne!”

YOSHIKA: And when she’s surprised, she’ll say, “OH!” instead of, “Waa!” (laugh)

LEONA: And when she’s listening, she’ll be like, “Uh-huh.” (laugh)

YOSHIKA: There’s really this feeling of relief when NATSUKO’s around. Right now I do the MCing at our concerts, but someday in the future there might be so many other people overseas.

AOI: We’ll just leave it to NATSUKO. (laugh)

LEONA: Like please translate for us. (laugh)

– Are there any places to eat or sightseeing spots you would like to recommend to people visiting Kyushu from abroad?

AOI: Definitely ramen for Fukuoka.

YOSHIKA: Especially since Kurume is said to be where tonkotsu ramen originated, so definitely tonkotsu ramen

Everyone: We think you should try it! It’s so good!

PIPPI: Then we’d like visitors to see the Chikugo River.

YOSHIKA: The Chikugo River is really wide, and I think it has a totally different feel from rivers overseas or other Japanese rivers. It flows slowly and it’s wide, so I think it symbolizes Japan, and I really recommend going to see it.We’d like you to take a walk there while listening to KANIKAPILA’s “Chikugogawa”.

KANA: The dry riverbed is very wide, it’s beautiful, and there’s many school marathon meets held there.

– So on a lucky day you might be running there.

Everyone: (laugh)

– What do you think about your costumes?

YOSHIKA: They were made just for this song.

AOI: They give off the tropical feeling of KANIKAPILA (there are flower patterns on them)

MIZUHO: Because KANIKAPILA is Hawaiian, we wanted them to have a tropical feel.

YOSHIKA: They’re costumes with the plaid pattern. The skirt pattern, choker, and so on match the other members, so we hope you’ll check them out in our new MV.

We have interviewed on various things, but lastly here is the short video message we’ve got, so don’t miss to watch it! Their happy and positive attitude will definitely attract you!

Contributor Wanted!!

Information on “Icchae! I LOVE YOU!” Release Celebration Event
Date & Time: February 28th (Sat.) 1:00 p.m. ~
Place: B1 Sun Plaza Stage, Canal City Hakata

Date & Time: March 15th (Sun.) 4:00 p.m. ~
Place: 1F West Court, Aeon Mall Chikushino

Date & Time: March 28th (Sat.) 2:00 p.m. ~
Place: 3F Sky Court, Abeno Q’s Mall

Date & Time: February 28th (Sat.) 1:00 p.m. ~
Place: Konoha no Stage, Hankyu Nishikan Gardens 4F Sky Garden

Date & Time: February 28th (Sat.) 1:00 p.m. ~
Place: 1F Gate Plaza, Tama Plaza Terrace
「イッちゃえ! I LOVE YOU!」発売記念イベント情報
会場:キャナルシティ博多 B1F サンプラザステージ

会場:イオンモール筑紫野1F ウエストコート

会場:あべのキューズモール3F スカイコート

会場:阪急西宮ガーデンズ 4階スカイガーデン 木の葉のステージ

会場:たまプラーザテラス ゲートプラザ1F

KANIKAPILA Official Website : http://kani7.com/index.html


Icchae ! I Love You ! / KANIKAPILA

Icchae ! I Love You ! / KANIKAPILA

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