KANIKAPILA is a 7 member girls band from Fukuoka Prefecture. KANIKAPILA was formed in May 2013 by childhood friends, and later in 2013 was chosen as the winner of the grand prix of the SCANDAL Copy Band Contest out of 550 other groups, suddenly putting them in the spotlight. In March of 2014 the band released their first mini album, KANIKAPILA, and then on March 25, 2015 will achieve their major debut with “Icchae! I LOVE YOU!”(Go for it! I LOVE YOU!). Right now all eyes are on this girls band!
福岡県出身の7人組ガールズバンド「KANIKAPILA」。KANIKAPILAは2013年5月に幼なじみ7人が集まって結成されたバンドで、2013年のSCANDALコピーバンドコンテストでは550組の中からグランプリを獲得し、一躍注目を浴びました。2014年3月には初のミニアルバム『カニカピラ』をリリース、そして2015年3月25日「イッちゃえ! I LOVE YOU!」でついにメジャーデビューを果たす、今注目を集めているガールズバンドなのです!
We’re bringing you the scoop on KANIKAPILA, about episodes on the production that went into “Icchae! I LOVE YOU!”, and more about the group itself!
そんなKANIKAPILAのみなさんに、メジャーデビュー曲「イッちゃえ! I LOVE YOU!」の制作背景やエピソード、またグループのことについても掘り下げてお話を伺いました!
YOSHIKA : I’m YOSHIKA on guitar, vocal, and ukulele. It’s nice to meet you.
LEONA : I’m the leader and guitar and vocal, LEONA. Nice to meet you.
リーダーでGt. Vo.のLEONAです。よろしくおねがいします。
MIZUHO : I’m MIZUHO on guitar and vocal. Nice to meet you.
KANA : I’m KANA, and I play bass. Nice to meet you.
PIPPI : I’m PIPPI on drums. Nice to meet you.
NATSUKO : I’m NATSUKO on keyboard. Nice to meet you.
AOI : I’m AOI on percussion and vocal. It’s nice to meet you.
Par. とVo.のAOIです。よろしくおねがいします。
– What kind of group is KANIKAPILA?
YOSHIKA: 7 of us have been childhood friends as our parents are at same Hawaiian music club activities. Each member was in different bands and playing SCANDAL’s copy at the time, but we got together in order to win the Grand Prix of the SCANDAL Copy Band Contest, and that’s “KANIKAPILA”. Our appeal is that although we are a 7 member girls band, 5 of our 7 members are on main vocals to create a broad chorus, and it’s appealing and entertaining for the listener to hear how we alternate vocals.
LEONA: One person will do the main vocals, and the other 4 vocals will harmonize.
– And the main vocal is….
Everyone: 5 of us! (laugh)
YOSHIKA: We’re often asked, “Who exactly is the main vocal?” but we always say, “5 of us!”
– On your major debut single, “Icchae! I LOVE YOU!”… What were your first impressions after hearing it?
-メジャーデビューシングルの「イッちゃえ!I LOVE YOU!」について。はじめて曲を聴いた印象はどうでしたか?
AOI: When I heard “Icchae! I LOVE YOU!”, I had heard that Fumiya Fujii and Naoyuki and had done the lyrics and the song, and when I gave it a listen and heard the lyrics, I thought how is it that they could understand a young girl’s heart so well? I’m just kidding, but it was like to the point of, are you a junior high school girl or something? (laugh) I was surprised by how much I could relate to it.
「イッちゃえ!I LOVE YOU!」を藤井フミヤさんと尚之さんが作詞作曲してくださったと聞いて、初めて楽曲を聴いたときにどうしてこんなリアルな乙女心がわかるんだろうって思って。冗談ですけどフミヤさんは女子中学生なのかな?(笑)って思うくらいリアルで。そこにすごい共感したし、びっくりしました。
– What part made your heart jump, for example?
AOI : Parts like, “I really wish you’d stop glancing over my way,” like how I’d want that person to stop, but at the same time you’re glancing over their way, too. It makes you wonder if they’d really been doing it at all. After, I thought it was really amazing how I was able to relate to the feeling of not being able to say how you feel.
NATSUKO: It really makes your heart swell, you know.
– Like you wouldn’t believe someone 52 years old wrote it (laughs)
KANA: I mean, he’s around the same age as my dad.
MIZUHO: He might even be older than mine.
– What kind of people are Fumiya Fujii and Naoyuki Fujii?
AOI: I’d say he was really cool when I met Fumiya Fujii!
Everyone: They’re totally cool!
AOI: They’re also kind.
Everyone: They’re really kind.
AOI: It’s like talking to a friendly man around the neighborhood, and they are friendly and personable to me.
YOSHIKA: I went to see one of Mr. Fumiya’s live performances, and I thought his mic performance was as great as I had expected it would be.
LEONA: His moves were really cool, too. They were moves that even we can’t do.
YOSHIKA: He’s more flexible than any of us in KANIKAPILA. He’ll suddenly spread his legs like, “Bam!”
AOI: I was really surprised.
– What do you want listeners to pay attention to when they listen to “Icchae! I LOVE YOU!” or when they watch the MV or live performances?
-「イッちゃえ!I LOVE YOU!」の聴きどころや、ライブやMVで注目してほしいポイントなどはありますか?
KANA: Right before the chorus verse of “Icchae! I LOVE YOU!” there’s a hand clapping part that I’d like listeners to have fun with as well. We’d really like everyone to do it at the concert.
「イッちゃえ!I LOVE YOU!」のサビ前には、ハンドクラップが入っているのでそこをお客さんと一緒に楽しみたいなって思います。ライブでぜひやってほしいです。
PIPPI: For the chorus there’s a duet of “Daisuki (Icchae!) Daisuki (Ike Ike!)” / “I love you! (Go for it!) I love you! (Do it, do it!)” and we’d like everyone to sing the (Icchae!) / (Go for it!) part with us.
YOSHIKA: The band name KANIKAPILA means “let’s enjoy the music together” in Hawaiian, so we would really like it if everyone that comes out to the concert could enjoy the music with us.
PIPPI: Like, we want to put on the concert with everyone together. We want everyone’s voices to be a part of the concert.
– How did you feel about the recording?
LEONA: More than anything else, the recording of this song was a really fun one. The song itself is fun, and in the song we really wanted to show our excitement, and there’s a lot of background sounds recorded of the 7 of us. We thought of ourselves as concertgoers, and were recorded saying things like, “Yeah!” and “Huh!” that were included in the song here and there.
YOSHIKA: Like, “Who is that going ‘Yeah!’?” and try to pick us out. (laughs) “Icchae! I LOVE YOU!” is about one girl in love and her character, with 5 of us alternating on main vocals, but since the 5 of us are singing one character’s song, the 5 of us had a lot to discuss about “What kind of feeling goes here?” as we passed the baton to the next member, and we kept that in the back of our minds as we were recording it.
ここの「Yeah!」って誰が言ってるんだろう?とか(笑)。「イッちゃえ!I LOVE YOU!」は一人の恋をしている女の子の人格をメインボーカル5人でそれぞれ代わる代わる歌うんですけど、一人の人格の歌を5人で歌うので、5人で「ここはどういう気持ちなんだろう?」とすごく話し合って、次に歌うメンバーへバトンタッチをしていく事を意識して録りました。
– So it’s as if the 5 of you are performing one girl’s story.
Everyone: That’s right.
– Could you tell me what kind of song the coupling track, “Sotsugyo Hakusho” is?
YOSHIKA: As the title suggests it’s a song about graduation, and when you graduate don’t you both gain and lose something? If you look at the overall picture of graduation, there’s certainly sadness that comes with it, but graduating gives you a chance to mature, and so it’s a song where we’re singing about that feeling of moving forward.
– It’s a little different from your previous song, “Chikugogawa”, even though they’re both graduation songs.
YOSHIKA: That’s right, it has a little more of a mature feeling to it.
LEONA: The theme isn’t just about graduating from school, but also graduating from many other things in life, and hope you’ll listen to it as a song where we’re singing about those many other different kinds of graduations.
– What kind of song is “Shiroi Kumo no You ni”?
YOSHIKA: This song is very famous, and was a hit song sung by Saruganseki, but most of all it’s a great song, and we just thought, “We want to sing it!” Also it was a song produced by Fumiya Fujii and Naoyuki Fujii, who are also from Kurume, so we really hoped they would let us cover it and they did.
Check the message video on the next page! /次ページでメッセージ動画をチェック!