TOKYO CUTTING EDGE CREATORS by Julie Watai #11 featuring Frenesi: The Singer-Songwriting-Animator

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While surfing the internet, I ran into an unbelievably cute and fashionable artist! Their name is ‘xxx of Wonder’. Have you heard of them before?
ネットサーフィンをしていたら、とんでもなくかわいくて、センスのあるアーティストを発見しちゃいましたよ!! その名も「xxx of WONDER」。皆さん聞いた事ありますか?
They have only just formed back in April of this year. With a total of 5 members, they have a singer, composer, illustrator, etc. Each member maximizes the use of their best skill, and this is exactly what makes up this amazing group, ‘xxx of WONDER’! They pose a serious threat to Girls’ Pop culture as we know it!
彼らは2014年4月に活動を始めたばかりの5人組ユニット。それぞれが歌手、作曲家、イラストレーターなど、自分の得意分野を最大限に生かし、それが最高の形で表現されているのが、この「xxx of WONDER」! ガールズポップカルチャーにおける脅威です……!
First things first.
Yes, the CD cover certainly is cute. Very cute. We can’t get over it!
This piece of art was done by one of the members, Kishida Meru. His dreamy and cute style and take on the world is very eye-catching!
Next, please take a good listen to this song. You have nothing to lose, so just listen to it. At least the first minute and 20 seconds, okay? (laughs)
さぁ、では曲を聴いてみて下さい、損はさせませんので、絶対聴いて! とりあえず1分20秒までは絶対聴いて!笑
The vocalist is pretty insane, right? Of course. The vocalist is Shiho Namba, and her voice is so clear and light that people have begun to call it the ‘Magic Voice’. Yes, that’s right. Many people are becoming captives to this gentle voice that seems to have a life of its own. Even though this group has members from various fields, one could say the focus this time is on the singer.
歌声がヤバいですよね? そうなんです。歌っているのは南波志帆さんという方で、その透明感、浮遊感あふれる声は「マジックボイス」と呼ばれているほど。そう、魔法の声です!! 優しいながらも存在感のあるその歌声の虜になってしまうファンは絶賛続出中。様々な分野で活躍する、今注目のシンガーなんです。
Shiho Namba
All of the members are truly amazing. Dr.Usui, for example, has been grabbing attention with his musical compositions for Denpagumi.inc and anime such as DokiDoki! Precure. Lyric writer, Frenesi, is actually known for her wide breadth of skills in multimedia, from writing to singing to animating. The filming is done by Mishmash*juliewatai, who is not only active in the music scene, but photography in general. She submitted pieces to ‘Tokyo Crazy Kawaii Paris’ and covers a lot of ground with her skill. It really is an extravagant group!
他のメンバーだってすごいんです。でんぱ組.incやアニメ「ドキドキ!プリキュア」などへの楽曲提供で注目を集めているDr.Usuiさん。作詞は“シンガーソングライティングアニメーター”とマルチに活躍している話題のフレネシさん。撮影は、Mishmash*juliewataiとして音楽活動、またフォトグラファーとしてパリの「Tokyo Crazy Kawaii Paris」で作品出展するなど国内外で多岐にわたって活躍しているJulie Wataiさん。本当に、超豪華メンバーばかりなんです。
Left:Meru Kishida Right:Dr.Usui
Left:Frenesi Center:Shiho Namba Right:Julie Watai
‘xxx of WONDER’ is just starting their journey, but let’s keep our eyes on them as they progress forward!
まだ走り始めたばかりのxxx of WONDER。今後の活動にも目が離せません!
written by Ayaya
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