The members of Nogizaka46 show off their steadiness in a special limited time Mannequin Challenge...
Bandjanaimon! unlocked another achievement on their list and kept their PERFECT YEAR 2017 going a...
Bandjanaimon! use the power of purikura to power up their kawaii in the MV for “FAN+TICR...
palet announced that they will change their group name from “palet” to all capitalize... Eimi Naruse, aka Eitaso, revealed the cover photo for her first gravure photobook &...
“Since we were originally discovered by Seiko, in regards to work, we had some mixed feelings ove...
Bandjanaimon! keep their “Perfect Year 2017” rolling with the supercharged MV for “METAMORI...
Within the never-ending cycle of the 4 seasons, spring may not necessarily be seen as the first o...
RADIO BERRY, the Tochigi radio station that is home to the weekly music program (Thursdays 9:00 &...
On April 15, 2017 there was a special event “NICE BOB!” at TwinBoX AKIHABARA which fe...
The 3rd wave of performers to appear at @JAM EXPO 2017 to be held on August 26-27 at Yokohama Are...
AKB48 has released the MVs for the coupling songs for “Negaigoto no Mochigusare” (release date: M...