Magical Punchline, an idol group which includes Rena Sato who has been gathering attention for he...
IDOL has released their MV for “WWDBEST” which will be included their upcomi...
November was a huge month for releases. It seems as if almost all the major groups decided to see...
There’s always the iconic, singing diva who represents our time. For example, in the 1980’s, ther...
Nana Owada announced her graduation from AKB48 during the end of the “Boku no Taiyou”...
Negicco are out to make you love them more as they have revealed the cover and artist photo for t...
A total of over 22,000 from far and wide converged on Tochigi for “Gyu-No Fes in Utsunomiya...
IMPORTANT NOTICE before reading Mr. Kawakami, the chief manager of Momoiro Clover Z officially an...
@JAM continues its series of international events with @JAM x TALE in Hong Kong 2017! Known for a...
Just like the streets of Akihabara, Moso Calibration overload the senses with the MV for their 3r...
Summer Rocket, an idol group embodying the “endless summer” revealed the MV of self-t...
On November 18th, Zenbu Kimi no Sei Da., a group embodying the “visual concept of cute suffering”...