izu started her fashion magazine modeling career from 2007, and is currently is an exclusive model for a fashion magazine JELLY. She has been featured in a number of fashion shows such as Tokyo Girls Collection (TGC), and even traveled to Shanghai as guest model for TGC Shanghai in March of 2012. Not only is she a model, she’s also involved in a number of other activities as a singer, runner, and YouTuber. We expect her activeness to only increase from now on, and we’ve got a lot we’d like to ask izu.

– First of all, regarding the many other activities you’ve been involved in, has there been any big changes or anything you’ve achieved? In particular, seems like you’ve been more serious about running.
−まず、モデル以外にも複数の活動をすることによって、何か変化や得たものはありましたか? 特に最近はランニングに力を入れているそうですね!

I started running as part of my modeling work, but for whatever reason my mental health has gotten much stronger. I think the biggest thing has been realizing how much I’ve changed just by continuing with something. No matter how tired I get I have to keep going. There are times when I’ve run 20 km, but no matter how tired I get while I’m running, I can’t let my feet stop. I’ll start running and finish running depending on how I feel. I’d say work and pretty much everything is like that. Somehow or another I just can’t quit.

– You signed up for the Nagoya Womens Marathon 2015, which you’ll be participating in this year in March, but this is your first full marathon, isn’t it?

That’s right. I don’t know what to do. (laugh) Well, first I just want to finish the race. Before I ran in the San Francisco half marathon, and after I finished running I thought, “This was really fun!” This time since it’s a full marathon I might not be able to think of it as fun, but I think it would be nice to enjoy it and run my best. It’s 42.195 km, and I’ve watched Naoko Takahashi on TV say this and that about 42.195 km, while thinking, “That looks tough~,” only now realizing that I’m planning on challenging the same distance. (laugh)

– Recently running is becoming a boom in Japan, isn’t it? Nonetheless many people say it’s difficult to keep up with it. What kind of advice would you give to people who feel that way?

I feel like for myself, when I started running my friends began telling me, “You have such amazing positive energy,” which made me feel like what was coming out from inside of me had changed. And from that it materialized into something visible. Even if I didn’t have the confidence, I would pretend like I did. For example, I’ll say, “Because I’m running every day, I can eat as many delicious foods as I want!” which turns into confidence. The happier you are, the brighter you are. I can eat as many delicious things as I want, without any weight gain because I’m exercising, and so my facial expression will change, and in terms of feelings I can start feeling refreshed. I wanted to feel what that was like at least once.

– You started becoming a YouTuber, but it was your first time giving videos a try. I think until that point you only had experience with being photographed, so were videos difficult?

It was hard. When I started out, it was at that level of not knowing how to go about doing anything on camera. But watching myself was fun, and it was much easier showing how to do make-up and things like that on video.

– I’d like to ask you about your musical activity. Last year in July you released 0, a Western music cover album, but what is something you’d like to try challenging now?

I’m in the middle of something at the moment so I can’t talk very much about it, but I’m working on a new release so please wait for it!

– izu, you started doing gyaru-style fashion work when you were in high school. Due to your work and other things, I think you have many opportunities to observe fashion, but recently what do you think about Japanese fashion?

As far as trends go, I think it’s moving more in the direction of natural, but simple. They have a saying like, “ups and downs” you know? When one popular boom is over, it gets a little quiet, like that. (laugh) I feel like when I was a Popteen model, we would wear 3 pairs of fake eyelashes, put on thick blush, make our shading stand out, wear a lot of hair extensions, and have wear loud clothing… But I feel like now it’s the opposite, and people are making do with what they have, like it’s not cooking, but the it’s more about winning with the ingredients you have to work with. I’ve been trying to link that with what I’m doing now. Since I started running, everything I eat and wear has become more naturally casual, like wearing jeans and sneakers OK every day. I mean that in a good way; this style is like having the pressure lifted off your shoulders and I’ve never felt better. As far as trends go, it’s more mainstream to look like you aren’t trying too hard.
今の流れ的に、ナチュラルでシンプルな方向に寄ってきてるな、というのは感じますね。盛り疲れ、っていうんですかね? 一通り盛りブームが終わって、ちょっと疲れた、というか(笑)。私もPopteenのモデルのときは、つけまつげ3枚重ねでチークも濃くて、シェーディングもしっかり入れて、髪の毛もエクステをいっぱいつけて、洋服も派手で……みたいな感じだったけど、今は逆に元を生かすというか、料理じゃないですけど素材で勝負みたいなところがありますね。そこが今の自分の生活ともリンクしていて。ランニングを始めてから、食べるものも着るものも全部ナチュラルにカジュアルになっていって、デニムとスニーカーで毎日OK、みたいな。すごくいい意味で、肩の力を抜いたスタイルが今1番気持ちいいです。トレンド的にも、頑張りすぎないのがやっぱり今の主流ですね。

– Are people saying that the gyaru style has disappeared?

I don’t think it’s disappeared, but I would say it’s transformed. Younger girls are all still gyaru. (laugh) To me, the meaning of gyaru isn’t just about wearing thick make-up, and personally to me “gyaru” means loving cute things, becoming prettier, and fashion. So when people say gyaru has disappeared I’m like, “?”

-Adults, or rather, the public tend to say like that, I think. 

That’s right. (laugh) It’s just transformed. Also those who are “gyaru” don’t really call themselves that now.

– You’re right. I feel like before, if someone said, “You’re so gyaru,” they’d be very glad! However if you say that now, many girls will reply, “I’m not a gyaru!”
−そうですね。昔は「ギャルだね」って言われたらめっちゃ嬉しい! って感じだったのが、今はそう言われると「私ギャルじゃないし!」っていう子多いです。

But I’d to keep telling people, “I’m a gyaru,” even when I become and old lady. (laugh) No matter how natural my fashion becomes, it’s like… I’ll still love cute things and make-up. I want to become an old lady like that. Even so, I worked hard to be a gyaru in the past and even I, and those around me, were a little tired from it all. (laugh) After we were done shooting we’d just toss take off our fake eyelashes and take out our color contacts, toss them in the trash, and go home. (laugh) It was like we were doing exactly what you’re supposed to do as a gyaru! But since being gyaru is no longer means heavy makeup, it’s much easier.
でも私はおばあちゃんになっても「ギャルです」って言い続けたい(笑)。どれだけファッションがナチュラルになっても、かわいいものが好きで、メイクが好きで……っていう。そんなおばあちゃんになりたい。それにしても昔のギャルは頑張ってたな、私も、私の周りもみんな疲れてた(笑)。撮影が終わったら、つけまつげ外してカラコン外してゴミ箱にポンッって捨てて帰る(笑)。ギャルってこうしなくちゃいけない! みたいなのがありましたね。でも今は逆に盛ることがギャルではないから、楽になったなって思います。

– Last year you appeared at Tokyo Crazy Kawaii Taipei, and overseas you’ve been to Taiwan many times. How did you feel about the fans’ reaction there?
-昨年のTokyo Crazy Kawaii Taipeiに出演されるなど、海外では台湾には何度か行かれているようですね。ファンの方の反応などはいかがでしたか?

They let me work as a color lenses image model, and they even let me use my own number as the promotion song. So it was a bit like promoting my own song. The Taiwanese people were very warm. We held the event in an open-like space, and people would randomly stop and wave. Also I was surprised by how many girls were there that read Popteen. What really left the deepest impression on me was how overseas fans would try their best to write letters to me in Japanese. Seeing how people would try to learn the language of someone they were interested in, I felt so happy I could cry. When I saw that, it made me think I want to try learning Chinese, too.

– You use a lot of social network services, don’t you izu? If we were to add up all of your followers, it would be more than 2,000,000 people, and that has really created a stir. It appears there are many overseas fans following you, too. In what way do you use these services?


Well, each one serves a different purpose. I feel like Twitter is a tool for communicating with fans, WEAR is a tool for showing my clothing, YouTube is a tool for being able to explain things in detail easily, and my blog is for when I want to show my own writing, and Instagram is for showing my lifestyle. I think from the beginning I’ve just like showing people something.

– Especially on Twitter, when viewing the comments you receive, it seems like there are many people who feel encouraged by your words.

Twitter has a great reach, doesn’t it? Anything said gets picked up, whether with a picture or with words, and as it gets passed along, so in light of that I’ve always been thinking about how I want to show things that those reading will keep in mind. That’s the core. I’m trying not to post things like “I’m sleepy” or “I’m awake” as possible as I can.

– And lastly, izu, because you’re an active fashion magazine model, I have a fashion related question for you. Are there any fashion-related spots around Tokyo you recommend?

Naturally Harajuku in general, but my personal recommendation is Koenji. There are many used clothing stores there, and some sell cheap, vintage brand items. It’s really fun digging up something good! Definitely go there if you can.
やっぱり原宿は定番だと思うんですけど、私のおすすめは高円寺かな。古着屋さんが多くて、ブランドのヴィンテージ物が安く売っていることがあるんです。掘り出し物を見つけるのがすごく楽しいです! ぜひ行ってみてください。

Twitter : https://twitter.com/izu0924
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/izuokamisaki
Instagram : https://instagram.com/izu_stagram/
YouTube Channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0hwClhT5UQYC3s7-MTm_8g
WEAR : http://wear.jp/izu0924/
Blog : http://lineblog.me/izuokamisaki/

Photo by Kenta Kuzuhara
Translated by Jamie Koide


Been working in girls’ fashion magazines for a long time and am now the chief editor of Tokyo Girls’ Update. I have more expertise in Japanese teen fashion than anyone else (probably)! I’m a huge fan of the Revolutionary Girl Utena and Bakemonogatari animes.

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