On November 7th, a movie trailer for “Sayonara Kabuki-Cho”, which starts off with act...
Seiko Oomori’s first major album, Sennou (Brainwashing), will go on sale from December 3rd (Wedne...
Megumi Wata a mysterious female singer who’s appeared just like a comet out of nowhere. As the ve...
A music video has been uploaded for the new single from E-girls, titled “Mr. Snowman“...
A special program titled “Tokyo Idol Update” was screened on SPACE SHOWER TV plus. We...
A special program titled “Tokyo Idol Update” was screened on SPACE SHOWER TV plus. We, Tokyo Girl...
A 10- girls idol group Niji no Conquistador has finally revealed MV for their hit song “pix...
Girls rock band Chatmonchy, after almost two years from their last release, comes out with two MV...
In line with the long-awaited release for sale of the video works for HKT48’s live arena to...
The collaboration video between Crypton Future Media’s Vocaloid Hatsune Miku and game devel...
Since their debut two years ago, idol group Sunmyu quickly went on to perform an exclusive live s...
The new idol group “3 minutes (read: san minutes)” will make their debut with the sin...