Marina Nagasawa, the babyfaced “legal lolita” who recently withdrew from the idol gro...
Marina Nagasawa : Marina Nagasawa
On December 14, 2016 it was announced that Marina Nagasawa will be withdrawing from Houkago Princ...
TGU GLOBAL CONNECT is a project that connects Japanese idols and foreign fans through Skype video...
Marina Nagasawa, member of idol group Houkago Princess and gravure model, became cover girl for J...
Marina Nagasawa is a Japanese pop singer, idol and gravure model. She is a part of the indies ido...
A baby face and a full-grown woman’s body, it might be the most polarizing combination of f...
Marina Nagasawa, a girl with a face of an elementary school student and unbelievable F-cup breast...
Marina Nagasawa, gravure model, member of idol group Houpri Youth, and Miss iD 2016 winner, has d...