Sumire Uesaka is a voice actress and singer who takes an active role in popular anime series, suc...
Eir Aoi made her major debut with “MEMORIA” for anime “Fate/Zero” release...
Sudden and shocking news arrived from the μ’s special program on the internet broadcast. μ&...
2015 was a blast year for LoveLive! that was excellent to celebrate their 5th anniversary!! Even ...
We have been broadcasting our TV program Tokyo Girls’ Update TV on NHK World/jibtv and each...
Hidekazu Himaruya’s latest work, Hetalia The World Twinkle from the popular Hetalia series ...
Aikatsu! is an idol simulation game that became the transmission of the another break of arcade c...
KIRIMI chan. is a Sanrio character who is a slice of salmon that wants to be eaten deliciously by...
Many girls admired becoming a “mahou shoujo”, a girl or girls who uses magic, that ap...
X21 have released the addictive MV for their 6th single “Magical☆Kiss” (release date:...
The leading idol of LoveLive! Sunshine Project, “Aqours” has released their first sin...
Afilia Saga begins a season with the MV for “Embrace Blade” (release date: November 1...