@JAM EXPO 2018 Announced with Host Yufu Terashima!

The “DEATH NOTE” manga was published weekly in “Shukan Shonen Jump” from 2003 to 2006. The total circulation reached over 30 million copies around the world, and in 2006, a movie and anime were produced. Performances of “DEATH NOTE THE MUSICAL”, based off the popular manga, will begin starting in April 2015. The music and screenplay were produced by a prestigious broadway creator, and is gaining attention as it will be the first musical in Japan to perform overseas. We interviewed Fuka Yuduki and Ami Maeshima (SUPER☆GiRLS).
2003年から2006年に『週刊少年ジャンプ』に連載された漫画『DEATH NOTE』。国内外での累計発行部数は3000万部を超えており、2006年には、日本国内において、映画化とアニメ化もされています。そんな人気漫画を原作としたミュージカル『DEATH NOTE THE MUSICAL』が2015年4月から公演されます。音楽・脚本などをブロードウェイの一流のクリエイターが手掛け、日本発のミュージカルとして、海外進出も視野に入れており、注目を集めています。今回、主要キャストとして出演する唯月ふうかさんと前島亜美(SUPER☆GiRLS)さんにお話を伺いました。
“The human whose name is written in this note shall die.” The story follows Light Yagami, who picks up a supernatural Death Note dropped by a Shinigami (death god) with the strange power to kill anyone whose name is written into its pages. With the help of this notebook, he punishes various criminals with death.
【Their Roles】
Fuka Yuduki(Y)… Misa Amane, an idol who has a deep connection with Light
Ami Maeshima(M)… Sayu Yagami, Light’s younger sister
前島亜美 …夜神粧裕(ヤガミサユ)、主人公の妹
Left : Ami Maeshima, Right : Fuka Yuduki
-You two were cast for roles in the musical version of DEATH NOTE, but have you ever read the original manga? Have you seen the anime or movies
−今回、『DEATH NOTE』のミュージカル版に出演されるお二人ですが、原作の漫画は読まれていたのですか?アニメや映画はご覧になったことはありましたか?
Y : As I watched the anime, I thought Light was intelligent.
M : I enjoyed the anime very much, and I read the manga. When I was in elementary school, the live action movie was released and I went to watch it with my family. The movie pamphlet I bought looked just like the Death Note and I remember thinking that was incredible and have kept it stored safely.
-Do you have a favorite episode or scene from the story?
Y : The scene where Misa was bound was extremely shocking. There are many other shocking scenes (laughs), but I watched the scene which Misa was bound and confined for days on the edge of my seat.
-Is that scene included in the musical?
Y : Yes! I haven’t rehearsed it yet, but “bound to a board ” was written in the screenplay. I’m not sure what exactly that means yet, so I’m actually pretty scared (laughs).
-Maeshima-san, you said you’ve seen the manga, anime, and movie, so what kind of impression do you have of DEATH NOTE?
M : I really enjoy the content itself, so I followed the story with exhilaration while wondering how it’s going to end. When Ryuk (death god) betrayed Light in the very end, I thought “so this is how it ends…” While the battle of mind games between the two progressed, I kept thinking about who would win, so I was so shocked to see how it ended.
-How is the ending written out for the musical?
Y : I can’t exactly say that at the moment, but please come and see the musical to find out! (laughs)
-Maeshima-san, with this being your first musical, while Yuzuki-san has experience in performing in a few, did either of you come across any new challenges?
Y : I play Misa, who is an idol, so there are a few scenes which involve dancing. The music in this musical have a very rock-like sound, while being somewhat pop and very close to western music. I found it challenging to sing with artist-like mannerisms and sing along to the sound of this music. I love singing, so I’m really glad I got to sing plenty.
M : I’m currently in an idol group called SUPER☆GiRLS, and we hold concerts and handshake events often so I’m used to standing in front of an audience, but it is my first time stepping into the world of musicals so everything is a challenge (laughs). It is my first time experiencing everything, so there’s a lot to learn and very stimulating. There’s a lot to learn from watching others act, too. I learn something new everyday and everything is a challenge.
-Have you felt that your experiences as an idol helped you at all?
M : They really are different worlds, like they’re represented differently, so I think they’re completely different. I’m still a newbie to the idol world, so I’m a super newbie performing in a musical. When I’m performing as an idol, I’m in a group and participate in the same activities, so I’m a bit used to what I do to an extent and kind of do my own thing; but there are many things I don’t know about performing in a musical so I’m still learning as I go.
-What is the highlight of this musical?
Y : The musical has a star-studded cast, so there’s a lot to absorb being with them everyday. I hope you can take something home with you through our acting. The musical is also a much shorter version of the original work, so I think everyone is curious about which scenes have been selected to be part of the musical. There are really important scenes and scenes loved by many fans reproduced in the musical with many gimmicks to the stage.
Next Page : What is something special for the musical version?