Takoyaki Rainbow reap the rewards that come with the backing of a major label in the MV for their...
Team Syachihoko has unveiled the MV for “Chérie!” (release date: April 7) and it is o...
Shiritsu Ebisu Chugaku kick out the jams in the MV for “Zettee Anarchy” from their 3r...
Otome Shinto fan the flames burning in the hearts of idol otaku with their towels in the MV for &...
BABYMETAL have released the MV for “KARATE” from their highly anticipated second albu...
Maison book girl light things up in the MV for “lost AGE” from their 1st EP “summer c...
Natsume Mito steps into a 2-dimensional fantasy world in the MV for her new single “I’ll do...
Singer-wongwriter, idol, and company president Risa Satosaki unveiled the MV for “WALCALLOI...
yandoll have revealed the angst-filled MV for “sgrks” (release date: April 8)! The MV...
LADYBABY is back to change the rules and smash boundaries again with the MVs for “Renge Cha...
Niji no Conquistador make first contact with and get funky in the MV for their 5th single “...
Continuing on from the massive success of their sold out 1-year anniversary live Q’ulle Fir...