Yasuhisa Hara’s “Kingdom” comic, which has been serialized since 2006, is set t...
In commemoration of the broadcast of TV animation JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURE Part6 Stone Ocea...
The “TOKYO REVENGERS EXHIBITION ” is being held in Ikebukuro, Tokyo, with various exhibits on dis...
Waka Hirako’s comic “My Broken Mariko” to be adapted to live-action movie. A depresse...
From January 21 to 26 2022, “Mangachi (MANGACHIEF)” handkerchief versions of Taiyo Matsumoto’s ma...
“BANANA FISH”, written by Akimi Yoshida, was serialized in “Bessatsu Shojo Comi...
全国の映画館で順次設置しています。お立ち寄りの際は、ぜひチェックしてみてください!#SLAMDUNK #SLAM...
The pop culture event “@JAM” is held every summer as the biggest festival of the seri...
On October 27, Anna Tsuchiya who is a mother of 4 children as well as fashion model, actress and ...
TEAM SHACHI, having to undergo postponements and cancellations of several live events, due to mea...
August 29(Sat), 30th (Sun), 2020 Live streaming Circuit Festival “@JAM ONLINE FESTIVAL 2020...
“Japanese Culture to the World” New E-commerce service for the international market r...