The popular anime series “Bishojosenshi Sailor Moon Crystal” will be having their 3rd...
Here is the 411 on the latest trend between young Japanese couples! Now that basically everybody ...
Joining Idol Renaissance, UP UP GIRLS (KARI), Cheeky Parade, DIANNA☆SWEET, and Babyraids JAPAN at...
2 and a half years ago, sadly Ebisu Muscats broke up and nobody ever imagined its revival. But ch...
Silent Siren will be releasing their new single “alarm” on November 4th! The new sing...
The innovative new design made the cup Panty Glass buzz around and their new highest quality glas...
Initial details about AKB48’s yet untitled 42nd single, Minami Takahashi’s last with the group, w...
When I first got into Japanese music five years ago, the description most people gave me of the I...
Niji no Conquistador have revealed the details and visuals for their 1st album “Rainbow Spe...
Finally, Momoiro Clover Z broadcasts 24 hours special Ustream program today!! It starts from 4pm ...
The semifinalists of the Miss iD 2016 audition have been announced and there will be a special CH...
Celebrating it’s 1st anniversary, feast, the lingerie brand designed by GOMI HAYAKAWA and k...