Charan Po Rantan, a duo consisting of Momo (vocalist) and Koharu (accordionist), has revealed the...
After 41 days, AKB48 resumed their handshake event on July 5 at Tokyo Big Sight. Since the slashi...
On July 4th (Paris local time) Nogizaka46 performed their first stage abroad in JAPAN EXPO taking...
PASSPO☆ has unveiled the new visuals for their new single “Himawari” that is slated f...
The TV show Japan in Motion broadcast on the Nolife channel in France celebrates its 5th annivers...
It is announced that ex-AKB48 member Erena Ono retires from entertainment world. The reason of th...
Becoming an idol is a dream that thousands of girls in Japan grow up having, but the reality is t...
In the video, palet show their never-before-seen cool and mature side since the addition of new m...
Japanese companies ASOBI SYSTEM and SPACE SHOWER have used French company Aquafadas’ Digital Publ...
Perfume has revealed a short preview of the MV for their new single “Cling Cling”, which is slate...
AKB48‘s Anna Iriyama who was assaulted and injured at a handshake event in May, took the ro...
Over two hundred thousand J-culture likers will go crazy for this entire week in Paris. “Japan Ex...