AKB48 team K member Amina Sato announced that she would graduate from the group. The announcement...
Otome Shinto, a positive idol group who is active based on the concept “jayvee” consi...
Yun*chi will be releasing her first-ever full album “Asterisk*” on February 5, 2014. ...
AKB48 has revealed the details on their 5th album, which is scheduled to be released on January 2...
Morning Musume. Riho Sayashi held an event to celebrate the release of her third Photobook “...
A six girls Nagoya based idol group “Team Syachihoko” of Stardust Promotion, is going...
T.M.Revolution and SCANDAL will be releasing a split single titled “Count ZERO | Runners hi...
9nine revealed their new single tile “With You / With Me” and the song will be the ED...
Ex Morning Musume., also is now known as a popular “housewife talent”, Miki Fujimoto ...
Ex Hello!Project member, actress Erina Mano held the release event to celebrate the release of ...
It has been revealed that UPUPGIRLS(KARI), that is belongs to TOWER RECORDS’ Idol specified...
On December 15, AKB48’s members made appearance at the event titled “Go Global Japan Expo” held a...