TALE is an event that introduces Japanese Idol’s culture to the world by hosting and promot...
Relationships; family, friends, boyfriend or girlfriend, workplace, school… we can’t really runaw...
Where did “kawaii” originate from? During the last piece I wrote about the need to update the con...
At Cross Kitchen in Omotesando, you can learn directly from well-known chefs and teachers that sp...
A lingering glance. An awkward silence. A secret connection between two young women. Lilygirl is ...
“Vinclu”, a company that promotes and develops “Things of Internet (ToI)”...
The Monthly Suichu Niso Magazine released the 360° 4K movie of underwater knee-high girls! It mea...
Tsukiji is known as the “Kitchen of Tokyo”. It is the Japan’s largest marine product market, and ...
Kanae Higashi has worked on the costumes of numerous idols and musicians, such as Dempagumi.inc a...
Have you ever seen Japanese “amezaiku” before? Just like lollipops, amezaiku are cute...
“Shotengai”, which are basically old Japanese shopping districts, are a distinct part...
The world wide popular rhythm game app “LoveLive! The School Idol Festival” announced...