“Attakaindakara” is a song which came from a skit by comedy duo Kumamushi and it̵...
Ehime girls’ rock unit Hime Kyun Fruit Can have collaborated with their local mascot Barysa...
KAO=S will appear on the Steampunk event on 7th February at Harajuku in Tokyo. It is one of the b...
Girls’ rock band Silent Siren have released the MV for “Te wo Tsunaide”, one of the s...
For their major debut, the 7-member female idol group ‘THE HOOPERS‘ will be releasing...
At the performance of Team A’s “Renai Kinshi Jourei” theater performance on Feb...
The tour final for “flower gardening idol unit” hanarichu took place at Shibuya’s TSUTAYA O...
Kyary Pamyu Pamyu has revealed artwork and contents for her new single “Mondai Girl” (release dat...
The reason TOKYO GIRLS’ STYLE’s artist declaration caused a stir 東京女子流の「アーティスト宣言」...
THE POSSIBOOOOO have released a teaser for “Iwai THE POSSIBOOOOO Japan Tour 2014~ 8-nen Kak...
Aoyama☆Saint Hachamecha High School (commonly known as “Mecha High”) received a surprise at the b...
As the first snow fell downtown on the 30th, ASOBINITE!!! -KYARY PAMYU PAMYU 22nd BIRTHDAY SPECIA...