Akamaru Dash☆, a four unit idol group produced by Tetsuya Takeda, released MV for their new singl...
In Japan, the second Monday in January is known as Coming of Age Day and it seems like everywhere...
Several details surrounding BABYMETAL‘s highly anticipated second album “METAL RESIST...
In addition to being famous for his extreme stunts with the Tokyo Shock Boys, aka Tokyo Dengeki N...
Thirty-two members from AKB48 and their sister groups, including NGT48, took part in the Coming o...
Rina Ikoma from Nogizaka46 will be releasing her first solo photobook “Kimi no Ashiato̶...
Rev.from DVL show off their grown-up side with the MV for their 6th single “Okujo no Sukima...
Niji no Conquistador turn a school into a battlefield for the sake of love in the MV for “S...
Harajuku idol group KAMIYADO celebrated the New Year with “Kami ga Yadoru Basho〜2016! King...
Prizmmy☆ get the crowd moving in the MV for “LOVE TROOPER” from their mini-album R...
The opening ceremony of NGT48 Theater took place on January 9, 2016. It was held at the entrance ...
On January 9th, PASSPO☆ held a release event at Venus Fort in Odaiba for their re-debut single ...