Japanese comics and cartoons, also well-known as manga, have always been the top of Japanese cult...
Kobushi Factory have knocked out the MV for “Nen ni wa Nen” from their major label debut triple A...
Morning Musume. ’15 spread their wings and fly in the MV for “Imasugu Tobikomu Yuuki&...
“THE FEATURE” is the project that TOKYO IDOL does a story on idols who is goes well today. We did...
Jurina Matsui is finally releasing her first photo album “Jurina” on September 9th! J...
AKB48 5th generation member Mayumi Uchida announced her graduation from the group during a handsh...
SKE48 made their triumphant return to Tokyo Idol Festival on August 1, 2015, packing Zepp Diver C...
AKB48 has revealed short previews of the MVs for the songs performed by the 17th to 80th ranked m...
Idols are at the most cutting edge in marketing?! アイドルはマーケティングの最前線にいる!? Have y...
The first international audition for the AKB48 group was held in Taipai, targeting girls living i...
Rev.from DVL Kanna Hashimoto‘s new commercial for Rohto lip creams has been released! Rohto...
Moshi Moshi Nippon Project, a project that aims to provide the latest news of Japanese pop cultur...