As the largest idol festival in the world, Tokyo Idol Festival 2015 was a bit of a double-edged s...
Summertime in Japan is when temperatures soar and all the big events happen! August started off w...
Fourteen new groups were added to Tokyo Idol Festival (TIF) 2015 on August 1th and 2th! Tokyo Ido...
Ten new groups were added to the growing list of performers scheduled to appear at Yokohama Arena...
Idol College have released the MV for their new single “#Tokonatsu Joshi Kibou!!!” (r...
On February 1st, Shibuya was crowded with idol fans, as there was idol event “Girls Storm F...
Idol Koshien FESTIVAL promises to be the largest idol festival in history with 140 groups/soloist...
On June 20, Idol College has released the short MV for their new song “Anoko ga, Kami wo, K...
Finally, IDOL COLLEGE to release their first major album “IDOL COLLEGE no Tsutaetai Koto...