While Christmas in Japan is still marketed heavily as a day for couples and fried chicken, extrem...
Tagged : Yanakoto Sotto Mute
Another year of Gyu-No Fes comes to a close with Merry Christmas! Gyu-No Fes at Shibuya WWW on De...
In addition to many of the superstars of the Japanese idol scene and groups that have been around...
Yanakoto Sotto Mute turn up the voltage in the MV for “Any” from their 3rd EP “...
The 5th wave of performers to appear at @JAM EXPO 2017 to be held on August 26-27 at Yokohama Are...
Yanakoto Sotto Mute reach out towards the sunlight in the MV for “Lily” from their 1s...
A little less than a year since Gyu-No Fes Road to Tochigi!!! Tochigi-ken he no Michi Dai Kick-Of...
It was an evening of overwhelming cuteness, overpowering excitement, and eclectic musical styles ...
Kirakira☆Gyu-No Fes, the first event of 2017 by extreme entertainer/farmer/idol event promoter Gy...
After amassing more than 22,000 in Utsunomiya, Tochigi for the largest Gyu-No Fes ever during Hal...
Yurumerumo!, SAWA, and Yanakoto Sotto Mute were just added to the lineup of Gyu-No Fes in Utsunom...