The closet drama “Adrenaline Nights” (originally written, and produced, by Akimoto Yasushi), whic...
Tagged : AKB48
SKE48 made two major announcement, the formation of its first sub-unit and the upcoming release o...
Initial details about AKB48’s yet untitled 42nd single, Minami Takahashi’s last with the group, w...
Mayu Watanabe (AKB48) had a cruising live on September 21st at Kanazawa Yokohama Minatomirai. Thi...
Summer may just be ending but, already big plans are being put in motion for winter! Tomu Muto (T...
For the 6th year, AKB48 held their Janken Tournament and 108 members and kenkyuusei from the diff...
Idols are typically friendly, cheerful, and easy to approach but recently, there has been media a...
On September 16, 6th AKB48 Janken Tournament at Yokohama Arena. 110 idols hailing from AKB48, Tea...
August 2015 was extremely busy in the world of Japanese idols! Beginning with Tokyo Idol Festival...
AKB48 and their sister groups in Japan (SKE48, NMB48, and HKT48) assembled in Tokyo Dome on Augus...
Niigata sister group of AKB48, “NGT48” revealed its first generation members at Niiga...
The matching of “AKB48 Group Janken Tournament 2015” at Yokohama Arena on September 16 has been d...