
Show Some Love This February with Valentine’s Day Sweets in Tokyo

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Show Some Love This February with Valentine’s Day Sweets in Tokyo

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Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and Japan is revving up for a romantic (and commercialized) day with flowers and chocolates abound. In Japan the holiday follows a strong tradition of gift-giving from women to men, where the latter commonly receives chocolate before returning the gift on White Day one month later. Regardless of customs, Valentine’s Day is also a fun day to just enjoy the sweets and fuzzy atmosphere. Whether you’re single or attached, these shops have you covered if you want to enjoy something deliciously Valentine’s Day-themed.

Max Brenner Chocolate Bar

If we’re talking Valentine’s, we’re talking chocolate. That’s only Max Brenner’s forte—they bring out the romance in chocolate and indulge their customers with rich and passionate flavors. They’ve pulled out all the stops with their 2018 Valentine’s menu, coming up with a lavish seasonal menu including their Red Velvet Waffles and Melting Chocolate Sundae.

Official website:


It’s never too cold for ice cream—not when you warm yourself with all the love that goes into this ice cream! The standard chocolate ice cream cone gets a romantic makeover with chocolate hearts and cute decorations. It’s sure to satisfy your sweet tooth and put you in the mood for Valentine’s Day.

Official website:

Q-pot CAFE

Fall in love with Q-pot CAFE’s extraordinarily lovely menu this Valentine’s season. The limited season menu features an exquisitely arranged plate of sweets and strawberries, a charming feast for both the eyes and the stomach. It’s a delicate work of art you can eat, and would certainly be a beautiful addition to your social media feed.

Official website:


Let out your feelings with the Chocolate Explosion at Sarabeth’s! This rich stack is a chocolate paradise with marshmallows and raspberry sauce for extra flair. It’s a classy and elegant plate perfect for a romantic sweets date. Sarabeth’s will serve these limited edition pancakes up till Valentine’s Day itself; you can get them at the Lumine Shinjuku branch and Shinagawa branch in Tokyo.

Official website:


You’ve heard of red velvet, but what about Black Velvet French toast? This dark take on the typical French toast is oozing with decadence and enigma, using black cocoa to create a special version of the French toast chain’s regular item. Sandwiched within the mysterious black toast is cheese cream, which gives it an irresistible sweetness. Topped with hazelnuts and cranberries and drizzled with wine sauce, you won’t regret indulging yourself.

Official website:


. ✨2月の季節限定✨ 『💓🍫PABLOmini-焼マシュマロチョコレート🍫💓』❗️ サクサク食感なタルトの中にチョコレートチーズ🍫🧀✨を入れ、表面に甘いラズベリーソース、ほんのり焦げ目のついたマシュマロ😘を乗せて香り高いローストアーモンドスライスを✨たっぷり✨使用しました💕 時期に合った限定商品をぜひお試しください🙇‍♀️💗 . #PABLO #パブロ #チーズタルト専門店 . 今回の商品です! #2月 #季節限定 #マシュマロ #ベリーソース #タルト #チョコレート . 商品詳細は下記です! #パブロスムージー #パブロミニ #カフェ #夜カフェ #スムージー #焼きたて #チーズタルト #ソフトクリーム #フルーツタルト #チーズソフトクリーム #とろけるチーズ #smoothie #pablomini #cheesetart . 下記が店舗の位置情報です♪ #東京 #神奈川 #京都 #大阪 and more…

A post shared by 焼きたてチーズタルト専門店PABLO パブロ (@pablo_cheese_tart) on

Practise some self-love and treat yourself to these incredibly cute Baked Marshmallow Chocolate Tarts from Pablo, covered in roasted almond slices, marshmallows and topped with a winsome pink heart. Raspberry sauce is hidden within the chocolate cheese filling, oozing out for a delightful surprise with one bite. Catch these exclusive cheese tarts during the month of February!

Official website:


Bold burgers may dominate this popular chain, but it doesn’t stop them from softening up for Valentine’s Day with a special Valentine Shake. Strawberries and blackberries form the base of this voluminous milkshake with just the right combination of sweet and tart. The star of the show is the 10cm heart-shaped cotton candy, which melts along with your heart.

Official website:

St. Marc Cafe


St. Marc Cafe’s signature Choco Cro is beloved all over the nation for its soft and flaky crust and chocolate filling. The trademark chocolate and croissant gets an upgrade for a limited time this month—it’s shaped like a heart and perfect for showing your feelings with a delicious treat.

Official website:

Frankly speaking, any season is a great season to taste all the limited edition sweets Tokyo has to offer. Valentine’s Day is one of them and no matter what you’re doing on the day itself, these gorgeous sweets are well worth a try. Spread the love with dessert!

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College student in Tokyo and lover of Ghibli and Hello! Project.

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