Rei Kuromiya (The Idol Formerly Known as LADYBABY) Stars in Seiko Oomori’s MV for “Mi...

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Since her anticipated major debut in 2014, Seiko Oomori has been going nonstop, and has just revealed the MV to her first single of 2015, “Magic Mirror”. The beginning shows the lives of crossdressing men handing out tissues, a cameraman’s assistant, and an AV actress and then lyrics, “Magic Mirror, I’ll never become an announcer. With everything you’ve done, how could you say it’s better to breathe? The safest kind of drug there is. It’s nice to know there’s a song where they’re singing about me,” appear on screen. The video shows their lives colored by a profound since of loneliness. As the camera follows their lives, reflecting the loneliness and anguish within them them, there are intersected scenes of Seiko Oomori carrying her guitar through the streets of Shinjuku, and singing to its accompaniment in a straight way that offers a sense of “clarity” to the complex feelings that cloud one’s heart.
The sense of “clarity” to those complex feelings comes from her decision to sing without any kind of unnatural editing, which she talked about on the June 7th broadcast of her late night radio program, “Seiko Oomori’s Midnight Platonic Friendship Radio”, which was her first broadcast in over three months, saying, “When I made my major debut, I thought about what I wanted to do more than anything else. From there I made my album, Sennou, borrowing elements from J-POP, which I love. After that, I took some time out to think about the significance of becoming major. I decided that I wanted to be able to clearly relate all of the different sentiments that people hold on to. So in that way I wanted to be able to say something like there’s no right or wrong way to live in response to thoughts of like I don’t deserve to live and so on. I thought it would be good if I could become a mirror that reflected all those feelings that people have exactly how they are.”
The other day, her dream of giving the last concert of her tour at Nakano Sun Plaza was granted. No doubt it was the highlight of her first year following her major debut. For the event, a large mirror reflecting the audience was prepared for when the stage curtains opened again for her encore. It was like everyone in the audience was performing with her on stage.
This concert footage was inserted into the second half of her MV. The dreams of a girl granted, and those carrying their own feelings of loneliness. It reflects a scene where it’s as if Seiko Oomori is embracing each of them and affirming their lives.
With the chorus, “My popularity is to shine for your loneliness. I want to meet the beautiful self that you have made. I want to take all of your torn, ugly, and worn out lives and make them into a huge mirror. I want to sing about all the beautiful days you’ve made,” it appears that Seiko Oomori has found her calling from her major debut. She wants to affirm the battles that people fight in their everyday lives. Then she plans to turn them into the purpose of her major career, and the driving force behind it. Now, holding the guitar in the palm of her hand, she’s grabbed on to the meaning of having risen from the underground to the light of the ground above.
Her new single “Magic Mirror” will be released on July 15th. After that Seiko Oomori will take maternity leave. (as for June 10th she is 6 months pregnant) When she returns, she’ll be starting the second chapter of her life with another new one.
Related links
Seiko Oomori official site : http://oomoriseiko.info/
Seiko Oomori Twitter : https://twitter.com/oomoriseiko
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