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All the way over in Austin, Texas, moumoon melted hearts on stage at the SXSW from March 13th to March 22nd. For those who are unfamiliar with the event, it is a music, film and interactive art event that has been labeled as the best of its kind in the world – so music and art lovers be sure to write it on your bucket list!
Fresh air and beautiful sounds were just some of the many sensational things felt by the crowd when moumoon performed on the outdoor tent stage The Grackle at the –AFHC & Japan Nite Presents – Japan Preview day show 2015 on March 19th. And if that wasn’t enough for their hypnotized audience, the group then performed very next day at Elysium at the SXSW Japan Nite Happy 20th Anniversary! The group then topped off their 3-day tour with a stop over at the 18-story building Hilton Garden Inn for the SXSW FREE Spotlight Showcase!!!
During their time at the event, moumoon was picked out as a highly recommended group to watch by music critics, as stated in the influential corner SHOWCASE PICKS of THE AUSTIN CHRONICLE. The live concert consisted of 3 public performances where they mostly performed English versions of their songs and left an audience of about 1000 in complete awe. Along with SXSW, the group has set its sights on the approaching countrywide tour and surprised us all by announcing two new songs.
moumoon is already very famous within its home country of Japan, but as a result of their great language skills, catchy music and solid performance a SXSW, they have pressed forward and their popularity is now expanding globally. moumoon is certainly a talented group, so if you haven’t already, check out their social networking and information websites to find out more!
Related links
Official site: http://www.moumoon.com/
YouTube Channel : http://www.youtube.com/user/moumoonchannel
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/moumoon.official
iTunes store: https://itunes.apple.com/jp/artist/moumoon/id213598724
Translated by Cherly Coyle
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