
Sweets for Show: The Brightest and the Cutest of Tokyo’s Insta-bae Desserts

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Sweets for Show: The Brightest and the Cutest of Tokyo’s Insta-bae Desserts

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The Instagram boom in Japan is still going strong; if anything, it’s shining even more than ever. With so many youths and celebrities on the photo-sharing app, it’s become an increasingly busy market for trends. And we all know in Japan they put their own kawaii spin on everything—that’s where “Insta-bae” comes in.

“Insta-bae” (インスタ映え) is the Japanese version of “Insta-worthy”. It used to be all about whipping out your phone as soon as you saw something adorably photogenic, but now the game has changed. You look for it. Nowadays more places are starting to create sweets purely with the purpose for taking photos. Cue rainbow food dye, sparkles and every other edible decoration you can think of.


Healthy. Tasty. Happy. 💕✨~ . モナークオブロンドンの大人気の2つのスムージーはもう召し上がりましたか?🦄✨🐠💕 ~ . まだのお客様に朗報です!実はモナークオブロンドンは夏のファイナルになるだろうポップアップショップをららぽーと船橋TOKYO Bayにて今週木曜日から日曜日までの4日間出店致します!☀️🦄💕🐠 . . 前回のららぽーと豊洲の際も大好評でしたが、モナークオブロンドンにとっても夏の集大成とするべく、力を入れてご当地スムージーもご用意してお待ちしています!😍😍 ~ . ヘルシーなヨーグルトスムージーを食べに是非遊びに来て下さい!🦄💕🐠💕 . . . . Healthy, Tasty, Happy. 🦄🐠💕 Catch our hugely popular smoothies at our final pop-up of the summer at LaLaport Funabashi Tokyo Bay from September 28th to October 1st! Just in time to welcome our devilishly delicious Halloween Collection 😈😍 We hope to see you there! 🦄💕🐠✨ ~ . . #monarchoflondon #モナークオブロンドン #ユニコーン #マーメイド #ユニコーンスムージー #マーメイドスムージー #ユニコーンフラペチーノ #tokyo #渋谷ヒカリエ #上野マルイ #渋谷 #原宿 #スイーツ #スムージー #スイーツ女子 #フォトジェニック #カフェ好きな人と繋がりたい #インスタ映え #ららぽフォトジェニック #ig_japan #instagramjapan #harajuku #instagood #theweekoninstagram #tokyofashion #sweettoothforever #madetocreate #ゆめかわいい #kawaii #カフェ巡り

A post shared by MONARCH OF LONDON OFFICIAL (@monarchoflondon) on

The English sweets brand has only been around in Tokyo for little over a year, but they already have over 4,000 followers and are raking in the photos from satisfied customers who appreciate their dreamy and creative line up of sweets. Monarch of London is sharply ahead of the curve, bringing the unicorn and mermaid trends to Japan with their pastel-colored smoothies.

MONARCH OF LONDON Official Instagram:


終わっちゃった🧀 昨日で一次試験の対策講座が終わりました。 いよいよ今週の末日曜の23日がチーズプロフェッショナルの試験です🧀 あとはもう、普段はしない神頼みです。 トイレにも女神さまが居てるんやから、チーズの天使もいるはず👼 八百万神のあらゆる神様を濾過して、不必要な疫病神やら貧乏神は取り除く、それがウルトラフィルトレーションでしたね。 23日 日曜は店は休みます✨✨✨ 一次試験が受かれば、また梶田さんの教室に通いますよー 梶田さんの教室では、試験対策だけじゃなくチーズに興味がある人が楽しめる色々な講座がありますよ🧀 人生日々勉強、同じ毎日クソくらえです✨ #レインボーチーズケーキ #レインボースイーツ #レインボーケーキ #aworks #cafe #tokyo #cheesecake #学芸大学 #cheese #ベイクドチーズケーキ #meguro #かじたいずみチーズ教室 #スイーツ #コットンキャンディ #ユニコーン #ゆめかわいい #チョコミント #ピスタチオ #ゴルゴンゾーラ #パッションフルーツ #チーズケーキ

A post shared by AWORKS CHEESE CAKE CAFE (@gakudai.aworks) on

When you think of rainbow cakes and the like, you might start to have suspicions about just what goes into the batter that makes them so colorful. AWORKS, however, would take you by surprise—they use absolutely no artificial colors in their incredibly colorful cakes. They specialize in cheesecakes that come in a myriad of vividly eye-catching patterns and colors, all while using natural ingredients. It’s a real work of art that’s unique every time!

AWORKS Official Instagram:

Eddy’s IceCream


This small ice cream shop is nestled within the edgy streets of Harajuku, and rightfully so. Blending in perfectly with the designer brand stores around them, they’re more like a fashion emporium for ice cream. They play dress up with dessert—you’ve never seen ice cream toppings like these. Everything is customizable, so you can get your pick of decorations from chocolate unicorns to stars to giant red lips.

Eddy’s IceCream Official Instagram:


#bearssugarshack #ベアーズシュガーシャック #パンケーキ #ちびぱん #ゆめかわいい

A post shared by BEAR'S SUGAR SHACK (@bears_sugar_shack) on

Tokyo’s pancake obsession is hitting the streets, literally. No longer confined to crowded cafes and restaurants, you can now find a wagon out in Shinjuku that serves mini pancakes hot off the grill for you to eat on the go. Of course, the gimmick doesn’t stop there either. The real draw at Bear’s Sugar Shack is customization, where you can choose the most colorful of sweet toppings to sprinkle over your pancakes. Sugar bears? Marshmallows? Pastel candy balls? They’re all yours to garnish with.

BEAR’S SUGAR SHACK Official Instagram:


If a café was co-produced by Kyary Pamyu Pamyu, you know you’re going to expect some extreme kawaii of the weirdest sort. At the same time, you’ll still be surprised. The menu at KAWAII MONSTER CAFÉ will both shock and delight you. Step into a psychedelic world with dancing cats and spinning stages, and enjoy a meal of rainbow pasta and pastel unicorn pancakes. It’s a feast for the stomach and for the eyes—or should I say, Instagram.

KAWAII MONSTER CAFE Official Instagram:

It’s a debatable concept. Some live for finding the most “Insta-bae” sweets so that they can fill their Instagram feed with the most attractive pictures. Others can’t comprehend why you’d go out of your way just for a photo. On one hand, they’re ridiculously good-looking and a sure way to get likes on your photo. On the other hand, with all those colors and extreme decorations how good can the sweets themselves even taste? Not to mention they can be pricey; that one extra candy ball comes at a cost.

Still, it’s all subjective and down to preference. At any rate it’s a given that like it or not, “Insta-bae” sweets definitely get your attention. Would you spend money on the most photogenic sweets on the street?

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College student in Tokyo and lover of Ghibli and Hello! Project.

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