6th Wave of @JAM EXPO 2018 Performers Announced!

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Nice to meet you, I’m Rika Mizuki. A long time ago I was an idol for around 5 years, and since about a year ago I’ve been working as a photographer focused on shooting idols. Recently I’ve been taking shots of idol CD jackets, and despite quitting the idol business, I’ve actively continued to be involved with idols. I plan to publish a photo book in August, and have been working hard on it day after day.
When I was doing idol concerts, and even appearing at them now, I observed many things. Although originally I became an idol without any dislike for idols, I came to know how amazing they are through attending their concerts, and so I thought I would write a report taking an advantage of my own backbone, that no one other than me could write.
That’s the reason I went to the IDOL NEWSING sponsored event held on April 12th, IDOL NEWSING LIVE 1.5. Even though it was held at Daikanyama LOOP in the middle of the afternoon, it was completely filled to capacity with 300 people! Although advance tickets had sold out, people there were rows lined up for a scant number of day of tickets that had been announced.For this event four groups of idols were performing, but because it hardly ever happens that different styles of idols come together for an event like this, I was just as much looking forward to it as the full live house audience.
そんな訳で今回は、4月12日に開催されたIDOL NEWSING主催のイベント「IDOL NEWSING LIVE 1.5」に行ってきました。会場の代官山LOOPはお昼前という時間なのに300人のキャパが超満員! 前売り券もソールドアウトということで、若干数が出るとアナウンスされていた当日券に並ぶ列も。今回は4組のアイドルが出演していたのですが、こんなにも違う趣向のアイドルが一つに纏まっているイベントもなかなかないので、満員のお客さん達同様、私も楽しみにしていました。
Top batter, Rinne Yoshida, started things off.
Although had known and been paying attention to her name and visuals since way before, it was my first time seeing her on stage. In a word, I was completely floored by her. At only 14 years of age, she hides an unwavering strength as a singer and charismatic nature. She’s like a Japanese Matilda (or quite the personality double of Natalie Portman from the film Leon) with handsome looks, and appearing to be very adult-like from an angle, yet angelic and charming from head on. Much like a kaleidoscope that changes with every second, under her ephemeral impression she retains an image of unbalance in every way. Aware this was a concert of the battle of the bands, her MC was amazingly good.
I wondered if her un-staged talent, visible upon first glance, was her own genius, and think that if she had that girlfriend charm and focused more on major status, she could be a diva just singing genre songs, but considering how all the grown ups had intentionally chosen songs that, “only a 14 year old girl now could sing,” her staff understood her very well considering the long term, and was moved by their support. To say it bluntly, that we’re at a period where this girl walking around like that stage while working as an idol, a “real” girl, could actually and repeatedly do concerts in such close range, is nothing short of a miracle. Without any hesitation, I ask you by all means to please go see one of Rinne’s concerts.
Up second was Maison book girl.
This was there first concert since new member Rin Wada joined the group. Wearing glasses with their neat black hair in half-dos, the girls stepped out looking like the THE LITERATURE GIRLS that always spend time alone by the library window reading, and further solidified more than ever the book girl image of their namesake.
2番手はMaison book girl。
Although it was their usual solid performance, their vocal quality was higher than ever before, and it felt like the second to none worlds in their songs, created by producer Kenta Sakurai, really came together. It was a stage that makes me highly anticipate what they’ll do next. While I was watching book girl’s concert, all I could think about was how I had never seen anything like it from any other idol. I was allowed to stay during their after performance sales, and as one would expect their CDs sold even without a handshake ticket.
Next was BELLRING Shoujo Heart (BELLRING Girls Heart).
The air radically changed as soon as they took the stage, and not just because of how long we waited. It was my first time seeing them since adding new members, and I already felt their presence in a way that made me want to shout out how great the members that joined are~! Every time I see the group perform, it’s with a sense of ecstasy and treachery, and with their new line-up they come off even more polished. Even though their black feathers under the red spotlight and the yell-like calls from the guys in the audience fit the idol concert of the battle of the bands well, their set finished without any member introductions or MC. The group didn’t leave the audience in a disagreeable mood. They were completely cool.
Last was Idol Renaissance.
Fascinating like an intense light, the royal idols were the last to appear. In contrast to how BELLING Shoujo Heart dressed in all black, Idol Renaissance’s pure white look, with their songs and performance, was completely the opposite. Their singing and dancing could compete with any idol in the media forefront. Contrary to BELLING Shoujo Heart who gave the impression of fighting something unseen, Idol Renaissance steadily fought something we could visualize right in front of us. I can’t say which was better, but as for me personally having sang and danced in the past, Idol Renaissance’s performance was easily the one that moved me the most that day. You didn’t have to imagine the amount of effort that went into their staging quality; you could see it. The girls’ effort was priceless and shone so clearly that I couldn’t take my eyes off of them for even a second.
Idol Renaissance included an introduction of a “Meikyoku Renaissance” (“Hit Song Renaissance”), and all of the songs they chose were great. It appears this was their first time to appear last in a battle of the bands concert, but the highlight was the way they were consistent throughout their performance and the ‘encorenaissance’ until the end. Their carefree smiles over made-up expressions were enigmatic, and not only was the quality high, indicated the presence of each girl armed with her own weapon, as a group full of reaffirming hope.
Rinne who shined full of genuine, real talent, Maison book girl, who walks their own unique path and showed us a world not expressed by any other group, BELLRING Shoujo Heart, who breaks apart the concept of what an idol is, and Idol Renaissance, who restores the idol existence. These four groups came together armed in completely different ways for IDOL NEWS ING vol.2. I feel that this event gave a true glimpse of the epitome of diversity within the Japanese idol scene.
稀有な本物の才能で輝く吉田凜音、完全に独自の道を歩み他グループにない世界観を見せるMaison book girl、アイドルの概念を破壊するBELLING少女ハート、そしてアイドルの存在を再生するアイドルネッサンス。全く違う物を武器にした4組のアイドルの集まったIDOL NEWS ING vol.2。このイベントに、多様化する今の日本のアイドルシーンの縮図を垣間見た気がします。
Related links
Rinne Yoshida Official Site : http://www.5project.co.jp/rinne/
Maison book girl Official Site : http://www.maisonbookgirl.com/
BELLING Shoujo Heart Official Site : http://bellringgirlsheart.com/?aid=335
Idol Renaissance Official Site : http://idolrenaissance.com/
Idol Newsing Official Site : http://idolnewsing.com/
Rika Miduki Twitter : https://twitter.com/miduki_rika
Translated by Jamie Koide
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