TIF 2019: Kobushi Factory Beats the Heat With Their Powerful Punch!

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Hello! Project’s concert tour “Hello! Project 20th Anniversary!! Hello! Project 2018 WINTER ~PERFECT SCORE~ ~FULL SCORE~” was held at Nakano Sun Plaze on January 3, 2018.
ハロー!プロジェクトのメンバーが総出演するコンサートツアー「Hello! Project 20th Anniversary!! Hello! Project 2018 WINTER ~PERFECT SCORE~ ~FULL SCORE~」が1月3日に中野サンプラザにて幕を開けた。
Hello! Project reached its 20th year in 2018. Mizuki Fukumura(Morning Musume.’18) said with a smile that today’s setlist includes the songs sung by our senior members, so I want all of our fans to feel the 20th history. Yumeno Kishimoto(Tsubaki Factory) declared that Tsubaki Factory now rides on a wave of popularity, so our group will take a lead in Hello! Project.
Leaders from each group usually attend this kind of interview. Karin Miyamoto(Juice=Juice) confidentially talked that we stand out more than other members but also confessed that she came here instead of Akari Uemura absent due to influenza. Haruna Iikubo(Morning Musume.’18) soon added that we are the reliable members for interview and this interview finished with friendly atmosphere.
The members performed the medley from 2500 songs that Hello! Project members have sung in 20 years in the concert. This concert tour will go on Osaka, Aichi, Fukuoka, Miyagi, Hokkaido, and Hiroshima.
Related Links:
Hello! Project Official site:http://www.helloproject.com
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