Braving the stormy seas, The Hoopers’ radiance shines brighter! !

On November 28th, 2018, The Hoopers will release their second album “FANTASIC SHOW”. Two years have passed since the release of their first album in 2016, “FANTASIA”. In addition to the singles “Shirotsumekusa”, “SHAMROCK”, “Vampire Kiss”, and “Jewel no Kodou ga Kikoeru ka?”, this release includes upbeat toe-tappers, romantic ballads you’ll lose yourself in, vocal leader Mirai’s solo song, subunit “The Hoopers -4roses-” new release and even more in its enchanting 15-song tracklist. Disguised in their splendid phantom thief costumes, we spoke with The Hoopers’ Mirai, Sena, Tsubasa, Haruki and Noa about their new album.
ザ・フーパーズが2018年11月28日に2ndアルバム「FANTASIC SHOW」をリリースする。2016年リリースの1stアルバム「FANTASIA」以来、約2年ぶりのアルバムとなる。シングル「シロツメクサ」「SHAMROCK」「ヴァンパイアキス」「ジュエルの鼓動が聴こえるか?」を含む本作は、思わず体が動きだすような楽しい楽曲から、じっくり聴き込みたくなるバラードナンバー、また、ヴォーカルリーダー未来のソロ曲や、グループ内ユニット「ザ・フーパーズ -4 roses-」の新曲など、ザ・フーパーズの魅力が詰まった全15曲が収録されている。
華麗な怪盗に扮したザ・フーパーズの未来さん、星波さん、つばささん、陽稀さん、乃愛さんに2ndアルバム「FANTASIC SHOW」についてお話しを伺った。
– Congratulations on the release of your second album.
In the two years since your first album “FANTASIA”, the group has undergone several major changes like graduations, the addition of new members, and so on. Do you think that there are also big differences between your first and second albums?
– 2ndアルバムのリリースおめでとうございます。
Mirai: I get the feeling that our quality in general has gone up. Of course in regards to the songs themselves, but I think compared to our previous album, each member’s power of expression and performance ability has leveled up.
Also, after going through graduations and the addition of new members, I’ve really felt the bond within the group has gotten stronger.
When I first experienced a member graduation, to be honest, it was a big shock. It made me realize that we’re a group that members will graduate from.
But after that, with Noa and Lee joining, The Hoopers felt a new wind blow. It really motivated the rest of us.
Noa has a cute face and beautiful style, and she’s getting prettier all the time. She’s getting more aware of fans watching her, and compared to when she first joined, her performance techniques have improved.
Lee’s dancing is steadily improving too, I think both of them are really cool.
So that we don’t get left behind by those two, we’re all working together to lift each other up and improve ourselves. It’s synergy. The drive to do our best has only gotten stronger since Lee and Noa joined.
未来: 全体的にクオリティーが上がったなと感じています。楽曲自体もそうですが、メンバー一人ひとりの表現力やパフォーマンス力が前作の頃に比べてレベルアップしていると思います。
Noa: I’m glad!
乃愛: 嬉しい!
– I’m sure you felt a lot of uneasiness about joining the group, but it must be nice to hear something like this.
– 途中から加入すると不安も大きかったと思うんですけど、こんな風に言ってもらえると嬉しいですよね。
Noa: I’m really happy to hear it. I feel lucky to have met everyone.
乃愛: 本当に嬉しいです。みんなに出会えてよかったなと思います。
– Now I’d like to ask everyone a question each.
Starting with Mirai. Between your solo tour in August and the limited digital release of your EP “MIRAI COVERS”, your solo activities have been increasing. For the first time, this album includes your solo track, “TOMOSHIBI” Please tell us what to listen for.
– ここからお一人ずつお話しを伺いたいと思います。
まずは、未来さん。2018年8月にソロライブツアーを行ったり、配信限定EP「MIRAI COVERS」をデジタルリリースされたりと、ソロ活動も増えてきていらっしゃいますね。今回のアルバムでは初めてソロ曲「TOMOSHIBI」が収録されるということで、是非聴きどころを教えていただけますか。
Mirai: When I perform my solo lives, I really feel that I’m only able to sing because of everyone who listens to my songs. So I always try to keep the people I’m singing for in mind when I perform. “TOMOSHIBI”’s lyrics are all such a complete reflection of the contents of my heart that I wish I could say I wrote it myself. “You’re my reason for living,” “I put my feelings and wishes into song,” more than just singing these words they’re how I’ve always felt.
As far as what to listen for, the fact that my feelings are all included in the lyrics, and when I perform it live, I want fans to watch the facial expressions and emotions I put into it.
未来: ソロでライブをしていると、私の歌を聴いてくれるみなさんがいるから歌える私がいるんだなと実感するんです。なので、聴いてくれる人のことを想って歌うように常に
心がけています。「TOMOSHIBI」は、私が作詞したって言いたいくらい、私の心の中身が全部歌詞に詰まっていて、“君こそが生きる意味さ”“想いをこの歌に乗せて 願いを込めるよ”というのは、私が歌を歌う上で本当にずっと思っていることです。
– Thank you.
Next, Sena. You chances to appear in stage plays have increased, and you were able to perform the role of Sailor Venus (Aino Minako) in the musical “Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon” The Super Live, including a performance in Paris. With your theater experience I imagine your method of vocal performance has changed, would you say there’s a difference compared to the first album?
– ありがとうございます。
続いて星波さん。舞台へのご出演機会が増えて、ミュージカル「“Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon” The Super Live」ではセーラーヴィーナス(愛野美奈子)役としてパリ公演にも出演されていましたね。舞台を経験されると発声の仕方が変わってきたりするのかと思いますが、1stアルバムの頃と比較して変化はありますか?
Sena: To be honest, personally, I don’t feel like there’s been a change. I do feel like I’ve built a better foundation in my vocal performance, but I haven’t particularly changed the way I sing or anything. That said, fans who’ve heard me perform as well as recording staff have been telling me “It’s changed.” The quality of my voice used to be more on the weak and soft side, but I’ve been told it’s getting stronger. Also, I’ve been told my reciting of lines has improved.
星波: 正直、自分としては変化の実感はありません。発声の基礎がついたとは思うんですけど、特に歌い方を変えたりはしていません。ただ、聴いてくださるファンの方々やレコーディングスタッフの方からは「変わったよね」と言われます。どちらかと言うと声質が細いほうだったんですけど、芯がでてきたと言ってもらえました。それと、滑舌が良くなったと言われます。
Mirai: I think (your reciting of lines) has gotten really good.
未来: (滑舌が)すごく良くなったと思う。
Sena: Really?
星波: ほんとに?
Mirai: Your singing has seriously improved, and I feel like your power of expression has grown, too.
未来: 歌もめっちゃ上手くなりましたし、表現力がさらに増したなと感じます。
Sena: Also, I’ve gotten physically stronger, so I don’t run out of breath during lives anymore. I don’t know if it’s my metabolism increasing or what, but I also sweat more during lives now. [laughs]
星波: あとは、体力がついて、ライブ中に息が上がらなくなりました。新陳代謝も上がったのか、汗をたくさんかくようになりました(笑)
– Thank you.
Next is Tsubasa. The first press limited version of the album includes a DVD digest of October’s “TOUR FANTASIA 2018 – Yume no Tobira” encore performance in Tokyo. Do you have any special tour memories you’d like to share?
– ありがとうございます。
続いてつばささん。初回限定盤には、10月に東京で行われた「TOUR FANTASIA 2018 –夢のトビラ-」アンコール公演のダイジェストが収録されたLIVE DVDが付いてくるということで、ツアーの思い出を教えていただけますか?
Tsubasa: The tour took place in the middle of the summer so it was really a trial of stamina for both members and fans, but we managed to get through it without anyone collapsing or anything! I think the fans were satisfied with our concerts. I hope everyone can watch the DVD while remembering the lives they attended. Please watch it a lot!
つばさ: ツアー全体をとおして、真夏だったのでメンバーもファンの方々も体力勝負でしたが、誰も倒れることなく無事に終えることができました。ライブもファンのみなさんに満足していただけたと思っています。ライブを思い出しながらDVDを楽しんでもらえればと思います。たくさん観てください!
– Thank you.
Next, Haruki. Congratulations on your return to the group. After your poor condition was announced, you spent about 5 months away from the group. In the time you were apart and since you’ve come back, can you tell use what kind of emotions you’ve felt?
– ありがとうございます。
Haruki: While apart from the group, I worried about whether I could come back, but my feelings of wanting to grew stronger every day. In June, the ninth single, “Jewel no Kodou ga Kikoeru ka?” was released, featuring Zucchan (i☆Ris’ Shibuya Azuki) as a temporary member, while I was watching and listening to this all from home. For the first time, I was able to look objectively at this group that I’d always been a part of, and it made me feel emotions I’d never felt before. I was able to feel, “The Hoopers are really a great group, huh,” all over again, and because of that I started thinking, “When I go back, I’ll do this and that,” and positive thoughts kept surging forward.
When I came back, fans and members and Zucchan and staff all met me with a warm, “Welcome back,” and I really felt that I was able to return because of how supported and loved by others I am. I made members and fans worry a lot so by no means was it a good thing, but that period of my life was a very important time for me. From now on I want to remember my feelings at that time, and connect them with my future as I continue on.
陽稀: グループを離れている間、戻れるのかなという不安もありましたが、戻りたいという想いが日に日に大きくなりました。6月にリリースされた9thシングル「ジュエルの鼓動が聴こえるか?」ではずっちゃん(i☆Ris 澁谷梓希)が限定加入してくれていたんですけど、その様子を家で観たり聴いたりしていました。今まで自分が居たグループを客観的に見ることで、今まで感じたことのない気持ちになりました。改めてザ・フーパーズっていいグループだなと思いましたし、だからこそ戻ったらこうしよう、ああしようっていうポジティブな考えがどんどん湧いてきました。
– An objective point of view is very important. Have you been able to put the things you wanted to do once you returned into practice?
– 客観視するってとても大事なことだと思います。戻ったらやってみようと思っていたことは実行されているんですか?
Haruki: I have with my style of singing, expression, and performance, yes. But the number one thing for me was in regards to members and fans, thoughts like, “if I did this, would it make them happy?” or, “I want to do this for them,” have increased. I’ve become able to do things that the me from before wouldn’t have done.
陽稀: 歌い方や表現の仕方、パフォーマンスの仕方とかもそうですけど、一番はメンバーやファンの方々に対して、こうすると喜んでもらえるんじゃないかとか、こうしてあげたいと思うことが増えました。以前の自分だったらしなかったようなこともするようになりました。
– Other members, how have you felt?
– メンバーのみなさんはどう感じいらっしゃいますか?
Mirai: It’s been clear to me how strong her love for us is. Because she had the chance to see us from an objective perspective, she’s become able to help each of us individually think about our performances and so on. Of course she’s always thought about ways to help us improve, but now she can convey her thoughts to us more easily.
未来: 目に見えてメンバーへの愛を強く感じます。客観視できたからこそ、メンバー一人ひとりの見せ方とかを考えてくれるようになりました。もともと考えてくれていたと思うんですけど、それを言葉にして、しっかり伝えてくれるようになりました。
– It sounds like the group’s bond has really strengthened. Thank you for your answers.
Next, I’d like to ask Noa a question. Noa, this is your first time participating in an album since joining the group in June 2017. Is there a song on the album that you feel particularly strongly about?
– グループの絆も深まったようですね。ありがとうございました。
Noa: My favorite song on the album is the second track, “Cheers!” which features Shibuya Azuki as a special guest vocalist. I really love this song, from the very first time I heard it I was overwhelmed by how much I liked it, so I definitely want everyone to hear it live. There’s a part in the song where we go “Kanpai!” (“Cheers!”) and I want to make a toast with all the fans using their penlights. I’m confident this song will fill venues with happiness when we sing it!
This is the first album for me so I want to treasure every song when I sing them.
乃愛: 私が一番好きなのは2曲目に収録されている「Cheers!」です。この曲はスペシャルゲストとして澁谷梓希さんもボーカルで参加してくださっています。本当にこの曲が大好きで、初めて聴いたときから圧倒的に好きで、是非生で聴いてほしいです。曲中に“乾杯!”という部分があるんですけど、そこでファンのみなさんと一緒にペンライトで乾杯をやりたいです。この曲は、歌うと会場中が幸せに包まれると確信しています!
– I really like “Cheers!” too. The piano intro’s playful jazz melody matches perfectly with Mirai’s voice when she starts singing. It makes me think, “Something wonderful is about to start!” and gets my heart pounding!
What was it like to try singing it?
– 私も「Cheers!」大好きです。イントロのピアノの軽快なジャズメロディーと、歌い出しの未来さんの声がぴったり合ってて、これから素敵な時間がはじまる!と、ワクワクして胸が高鳴る曲だなと思いました。実際に歌ってみていかがでしたか?
Mirai: It’s a song that naturally makes you smile. Everyone records separately so I haven’t seen it myself yet, but listening to the finished song, everyone’s fun facial expressions were conveyed through their singing voices. It’s definitely going to be a song to get everyone excited during lives!
未来: 自然と笑顔になる曲だなと思いました。レコーディングは一人ずつ別々だったので歌っている様子は見てないんですけど、完成した曲を聴いたときに、メンバーの楽しそうな表情が歌声から伝わってきました。ライブで盛り上がること間違いなしですね!
– Do you have any interesting stories from the recording studio?
– レコーディング中のエピソードなどありますか?
Mirai: I heard from staff that everyone was moving around in their recording booths more than usual.
Also, each member’s individuality comes out in the way they say “Kanpai!” I was the first to record, and just said “Kanpai!” at a normal level. But then from the second person on, the variation ended up decreasing. Everyone was thinking, “the person before me said it at this level, so saying it a bit higher would be good,” so everyone’s voice was just getting higher and higher.
未来: みんないつも以上にレコーディングブースの中で動き回っていたとスタッフさんから聞きました。
Sena: No one even tried to say it in a lower voice.
星波: 誰も低い声で言おうとしない。
Haruki: Mirai was with me during my recording session, and gave me advice like, “Cecil and Lee will probably say it in a bright and happy way, so you should say it cooly.” So I tried doing it with a deeper voice.
陽稀: 自分が録ってるときは未来が居てくれてたんですけど、「千知とかLeeは明るくハッピーな感じでくるだろうから、はるちゃんはかっこよくいこうよ」って、未来がアドバイスしてくれて、低く太めの声で言ってみました。
Mirai: You should definitely try to identify each of our voices when you listen!
未来: 是非全員の声を聞き分けてみてください!
– The costume theme this time is phantom thieves, and up until now you’ve tried out a lot of different images to go with your songs. Are there any fantasy styles you’d like to try someday?
– 今回の衣装のテーマは怪盗ということで、これまで楽曲ごとにさまざまなテーマにチャレンジされていらっしゃいますが、いつかやってみたいFANTASYスタイルはありますか?
Everyone: There are so many!
全員: いっぱいあるねー。
Haruki: Sherlock Holmes.
陽稀: シャーロック・ホームズ。
Everyone: Detectives, nice!
全員: 探偵、いいね!
Haruki: If we were detectives, what should our catchphrase be?
陽稀: 探偵だったらキャッチフレーズはどうしようか。
Mirai: “I’ll sneak a peek at your heart.”
未来: “あなたの心のぞきます”
Everyone: That’s good! Our next theme is decided!
全員: いいね!次のテーマ決まったね!
Mirai: I want to try being bartenders.
未来: バーテンダーやってみたい。
Sena: Zoo theme, with everyone personifying different animals.
星波: 動物園。擬人化アニマル。
Mirai: Doctors!
未来: 医者!
Sena: Our catchphrase would be “I’ve diagnosed you with lovesickness.”
星波: キャッチフレーズは“恋の病、みーつけた”
Everyone: Great!
全員: いいね!
– You’ve all got lots of ideas, huh!
– いろいろアイデアが出てきますね。
Sena: We’ve gotten the chance to do so much already, and we’re always looking forward to what’s next.
星波: いろいろやらせてもらってるんで、次は何かなって私たちも楽しみなんです。
– I’ll be looking forward to next time, too. Thank you.
On November 24th and 25th, The Hoopers will appear at an event in Taiwan, as well as your first overseas one-man live. Can you tell us what you’re looking forward to?
– 毎回楽しみですね。ありがとうございました。
Sena: It will be our second time in Taiwan, and the venue was really fired up when we visited two years ago. This time we’ll be performing in a festival as well as having our own concert, so we want to make the festival even more fun than last time and give everyone in Taiwan a chance to experience the world of FANTASIA to their heart’s content during our one-man live. We’re working hard making preparations, so to everyone who can join us, let’s have lots of fun together!
星波: フーパーズ 2度目の台湾ですが、一昨年行った時の会場の盛り上がりがすごかったので、今回はフェスとワンマンライブの2日連続ということで前回に負けないくらいフェスも盛り上げていきたいですし、ワンマンライブは台湾でもFANTASIAの世界を存分に味わって頂けるように絶賛準備中ですので、来てくれる方は一緒に楽しみましょう!
– Finally, please give us your message to foreign fans.
– それでは、最後に海外のファンの方々に向けてメッセージをお願いします。
Haruki: There are a lot of countries we haven’t been to yet, but if you feel like, “I want The Hoopers to come here!” your country could absolutely be a candidate for a future overseas live, so please send us a message on social networking sites! We’re doing our best to expand The Hopers’ hoop worldwide, so please wait for us! And keep supporting us in the future, too!
陽稀: まだまだ行けてない国も多いんですけど、「ここに来てほしいよ」っていう意見があれば、今後の海外公演の候補にもなるので、是非ザ・フーパーズのSNSまでメッセージ送ってください。ザ・フーパーズの輪をワールドワイドに広げていけるようにがんばるので、待っていてください!これからも応援よろしくお願いします!
The closeness between members and the deepness of their bond has shone in this interview. Particularly during the question of costume themes, hilarious ideas kept bursting through amidst endless laughter. It was clear that each member loves The Hoopers, and genuinely enjoys their activities in the group.
After their live in Taiwan, The Hoopers will begin release events in Tokyo, Aichi, and Hyogo starting on November 27th. Let’s go have our hearts stolen by beautiful phantom thieves!
Concert / Event Information
TALE “Arabian Nights 2018”
November 24, 2018
Open – 11:30pm Start – 12:00pm
Open – 4:30pm Start – 5:30pm
Jack’s Studio (Taipei)
November 25, 2018
Open – 12:00pm Start – 12:30pm
Jack’s Studio (Taipei)
2nd Album “FANTASIC SHOW” Release Event
November 27, 2018
Start – 6:30pm
November 28, 2018
Start – 6:30pm
Niconico Honsha (Tokyo)
November 29, 2018
Start – 6:30pm
Tower Record Shinjuku (Tokyo)
November 30, 2018
Start – 6:30pm
Sunshine Sakae (Aichi)
December 1, 2018
Start – 2:00pm
Start – 5:00pm
Hankyu Nishinomiya Gardens (Hyogo)
December 2, 2018
Start – 1:30pm
Start – 4:00pm
Niconico Honsha (Tokyo)
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Related Links
The Hoopers Official site: http://thehoopers.jp/
The Hoopers Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/the__hoopers
The Hoopers Official Blog: https://ameblo.jp/the-hoopers/
Interviewed by TAKYU
Photos by Junko Azeyagi