Since their formation announcement last November, Country Girls first appearance in the Hello! Project concert Hello! Project 2015 WINTER has become a hot topic. Country Girls is a 6 member unit, including Playing Manager Momoko Tsugunaga, and Mai Satoda, from predecessor group Country Musume, participating as Supervisor.
昨年11月に結成が発表され、今年初めに開催されたハロー!プロジェクトのコンサート「Hello! Project 2015 WINTER」への出演で話題となったカントリー・ガールズ。カントリー・ガールズは、 Playing Managerの嗣永桃子(つぐながももこ)さんを加えた6人組ユニットで、前身となるカントリー娘。の里田まいさんもSupervisorとして参加しています。


Photo by Ikko Nishimura

Their debut single, Itooshikuttte Gomen ne / Koi Dorobo (I’m sorry for being so adrable/Love Thief) came out on March 25th. The MVs for both songs have already been released. For Country Girl’s MV shoot for this release, Tokyo Girls’ Update was allowed to slip in during the shoot on the filming day for their main track, “Itooshikute Gomen ne”! We interviewed each member, and we’ve got the scoop on all the details, including behind the scenes pictures!
そんな彼女たちのデビューシングル「愛おしくってごめんね / 恋泥棒」が、3月25日ついに発売! 2曲のMVもすでに公開となっています。カントリー・ガールズにとっては今回のMVが初撮影ですが、メイン曲「愛おしくってごめんね」の撮影日に、Tokyo Girls’ Updateがなんと現場に潜入させて頂きました! メンバーひとりひとりへのインタビュー、また撮影風景の写真を取材してきましたので、すみずみまでチェックして下さい!

Contributor Wanted!!

Contributor Wanted!!

Momoko Tsugunaga/嗣永桃子さん

– I think that until this point you’ve shot many MVs, but I believe it’s your first time shooting a MV as part of Country Girls.

That’s right, I’ve probably been a part of around 50 videos. I came prepared for the awkwardness of being in the same frame as girls with as many as 10 years between us… on top of everyone being new to everything (laugh), so even working hard to overcome that, I’m doing my best so that viewers won’t feel uncomfortable. (laugh)

– How do you feel about the costumes and hairstyles, which are also part of a completely different image from Berryz Kobo?

Tsugunaga: Personally I’m more interested in the cute feel of Country Girls, and on the other hand, Berryz Kobo’s cute and sexy one was more like, “Am I pulling everyone’s leg?”. Maybe I was, a little bit. (laugh) But for Country Girls, this is more of my area of expertise, so I was glad.



– Your costumes are very cute. Could you tell us any special points about them?

Tsugunaga: Everyone asked me, saying that uniforms might feel a little cosplayish for someone like myself who is already out of high school, but to try and remember how I was in high school, for adults, as well as university students, carries a kind of sweet and sour feeling, so if everyone could get that kind of feeling from our costumes and the song, I think that would be great.

– Speaking of the debut song’s title, “Itooshikutte Gomen ne”, what’s something that you adore?


Tsugunaga: Something I find adorable? Well, let’s see… I think that maybe “I’m Sorry for Being So Adorable” (note: the translated song title) is something that can be said about myself. Don’t you think I’m adorable? (laughs) I think there are probably some of you that think I’m so cute that you can’t sleep at night. I’m really sorry about that. (laughs) And I’m sorry that I’ll only have the chance to meet so few people in the world. But the whole world can see the MV, so you can see the real me if you watch!
愛おしいものですか? え〜、なんだろう……。私が思うっていうか、多分「愛おしくってごめんね」って思われているものなんですけど。ほら、やっぱ愛おしいじゃないですか、私自身が(笑)。多分みんな、私のことが好きすぎて眠れない夜とかがあると思うんですよ。そこはごめんね、って感じですね(笑)。世界のみなさんに会いに行ける機会が少なくて、それもごめんねなんですけど。でもMVは世界に発信されるので、そこで近況のももちを見て頂けたらなって思います!

– Please give us a message for overseas fans of Country Girls.

Tsugunaga: Hey all of you overseas! I’m not sure how many of you know us yet, but this time we want to be an idol group that shakes up the whole idol world, and although I know that idol culture is not so well known in many parts of the world, idols are something the whole world can enjoy together, so it would be great if we could be a group that spreads that message. We’re working hard, so please keep your eye on us.
海外のみなさん! 私たちのことを知って頂けているか分からないんですけれども、でも今後、アイドル界を震わせてしまうようなアイドルグループになりたいですし、海外にはまだアイドルっていう文化がないところも多いと思うんですが、アイドルっていうのは世界共通で楽しめるものなんだよっていうのも発信できるようなグループになれたらと思うので。目を離さないで頂きたいなと思います。

Risa Yamaki/山木梨沙さん


– Is this your first time shooting a MV?

Yamaki: When I was a Hello! Project understudy I appeared in two MVs, but even though this isn’t really my first time it’s completely different, so it feels like my first time.

– What do you think is the number one difference between this time and last time?

Yamaki: When I was an understudy there were many other girls, so my solo shot was over in about five minutes. They told me, “Smile a bit,” and so I gave smile and ended in seconds, it felt like. (laughs) But this time they’re zooming in on my face and I have to make different facial expressions while I sing… That kind of thing is a first for me. Also when I was an understudy, the backdrop was plain white. But this time there are many different small props and the backdrop is cute, so I’m really happy. It’s like being in the same world as all of the MVs I’ve watched up until now, and it’s really like, “W-wow!” (laughs) It’s very moving. And cute.
研修生の時のMV撮影では、人数も多かったので、私のソロリップの撮影は5分位で終わったんですよ。「ちょっと笑って」って言われて、にこって笑って終わり、って感じだったんで(笑)。でも今回は、こんなに自分の顔がズームになって、自分で歌ったりとか表情作ったり……そういうのが初めてで。あと研修生の時は、背景が白バックだったんですよ。でも今日は、こんなに小物がいっぱいで、背景もかわいくって、っていうのが本当にうれしくて。私が今まで観てたMVの世界みたいで、本当に「あぁすごいな」って(笑)。 感動してます。かわいいです。

country-girls-interview-13 country-girls-interview-12

– Is there anything in the MV you’d like viewers to pay attention to?

Yamaki: (at the time of this interview) I haven’t shot any part of the MV yet, but in “Koi Dorobo”, which I’ve already finished shooting, there’s a scene were the six of us look like we’re having fun chatting with each other in a cute, pink room. I feel like that scene really shows how well all of us in Country Girls get along. I’m looking forward to seeing how everything comes together at the end, and hope everyone will check it out.

– Your blog also gives off the feeling that you all get along really well.

Yamaki: We really do. We’re often so loud we get scolded to pay more attention. (laughs) It’s like we kind of have to apologize for how much we talk… really. (laughs) During the Hello! Project concert, there were many times all of Hello! Project members would be in the same dressing room together, and Country Girls was definitely the loudest. Between all of us I’m more reserved, but just glancing around the room, we were the only ones just chatting away. But really all of us love talking so much that I never get tired of being together. It’s fun.


– Speaking of the debut song’s title, “Itooshikutte Gomen ne”, what’s something that you adore?

Yamaki: Something I find adorable? I don’t know, there’s so much. From the beginning I really loved Sayumi Michishige from Morning Musume。, and it was because of her that I decided to join Hello! Project, and even though she graduated Sayumi is still dear to me. Also recently, I really love eating. So I like buying all the famous foods from the places where we’re doing concerts. Also, corn soup. Oh, and I really love Japanese sweets like brown sugar manju! I really love smooth red bean paste (Koshian). I always recommend it to everyone around me. (laugh) So to summarize, I really love food!
愛おしいものですか? なんだろう、いっぱいあるなぁ。私、元モーニング娘。の道重さゆみさんのことが大好きで、それが理由でハロプロに入ったんですけど、ご卒業なさった今でも道重さんのことがとっても愛おしい。あと私、最近食べることが大好きで。なので、最近はコンサートに行った場所の名物の食べ物を買うのが好きです。あと、コンポタージュも好きです。あ、私、黒糖まんじゅうとか和菓子も好きで! こしあんが好きなんですよ。周りのみんなにも勧めてるんですけど(笑)。というわけで、食べ物もすごく愛おしい。

– Please give us a message for overseas fans of Country Girls.

Yamaki: When I look at video comments on YouTube or Hello! Station, there’s always so many comments in English or other foreign languages. I really feel like people from every country are watching us. I’ve only been abroad once. I went to England. I did a homestay for one week by myself. I want to meet people not only from England, but from all over the world, so my goal is to do an overseas concert! So I’ll be able to communicate well when the time comes, I’ll do my best to study English! Momochi is pressuring me to “study English hard”, too. (laugh)
「ハロ!ステ」とか、YouTubeにアップされた動画のコメント欄を見てると、英語とか他の外国語で書いてあるコメントとかがたくさんあって。本当に各国の方たちが観て下さってるんだなぁっていうのを実感します。私は海外には1度しか行ったことがないんですけど。イギリスに行ったことがあって。1週間だけホームステイしたことがあるんですよ、個人的に。イギリスだけじゃなくて世界中のもっとたくさんの人と実際に会いに行きたいし、なので目指すは海外公演! その時にちゃんとコミュニケーション取れるように、ちゃんと英語頑張ります。ももち先輩からも「英語頑張って」ってプレッシャーかけられてるので(笑)。

Manaka Inaba/稲場愛香さん

– Do you have any prior experience shooting an MV?

Inaba: Before when I was an understudy, I was filmed in the MV for the song “Oheso no Kuni kara Konnichiwa”, where I had only one pattern of lip synch then later dancing with everyone… kind of like that, but this time around there are many different kinds of props to use while on camera, and it made me nervous. But I’m having fun doing it. Everyone’s been encouraging me saying, “You’re cute!” or, “You’re doing great!” (laughs) I believe they’ve been saying that sincerely.


– What are the highlights of the MV?

Inaba: We’ve already finished filming “Koi Dorobo”, which was shot at from an above angle. It was done to recreate the image of a male onlooker, so there are many singing scenes where we’re looking upwards at the camera. I thought, “Is it really all right to have so many scenes with us looking upwards like this?” (laugh) But I guess that upwards look is a kind of like a girls weapon, don’t you think? (laugh) So please be sure to focus on that. We’re still not completely finished shooting “Itooshikutte Gomen ne”, but the same as with “Koi Dorobo”, the set is really cute. Like with “Koi Dorobo”, to the point of being so cute I want to live there. Everything is so pink and cute. I think the video is also very cute, so please watch it.
「恋泥棒」はもう撮影が終了したんですけど、カメラのアングルが、ちょっと斜め上から撮られていて。男性から見た目線、っていうのをイメージしてるんですけど、上目遣いが結構多いリップシーンがあったので。「こんなに上目遣いっていいのかな?」とも思ったんですけど(笑)。でもまぁ、上目遣いは女の子の武器じゃないですか(笑)? なのでそこを注目してもらいたいです。「愛おしくってごめんね」の方はまだ全部終了してないので分からないんですけど、「恋泥棒」もそうなんですけど、セットがすごくかわいくて。「恋泥棒」のセットは住みたいくらい。ピンクだらけですっごくかわいくて。映像もかわいらしいんじゃないかなと思うので、そういう所も観て欲しいです。


– Speaking of the debut song’s title, “Itooshikutte Gomen ne”, what’s something that you adore?

Inaba: For that question,  Haruka Kudo, from Morning Musume’s 15th Generation, immediately came to my mind. So Haruka!

– Please give us a message for overseas fans of Country Girls.

Inaba: I’m really happy that you all watch and support us from so far. I think because of the distance it’s difficult for you all to come and see our concerts. Even though there are so many things about us we can’t show you in videos only, I think I want us to be able to show our charm point so that other people think we’re great even without ever seeing us live. And of course, sometime I’d like it if we were able to do a concert overseas!

Next page : Chisaki Morito & Uta Shimamura & Mai Ozeki!


I am the Chief Idol Officer of Tokyo Girls Update, known as "Hiroro Ojisan" who loves Maachan. I produce the MV, art works, promotions, and tie-in campaign of idol groups such as "Team Syachihoko" and "Negicco". Please contact me if you know any "hanare-me" (wide-set eyed) idols.

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